Chapter 14

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It's been a week and a half now since the Cullen's Left, And For the 1st few days Elizabeth was very sad, But luckily for her the Denali's were there, They helped her not close herself off, and stay in her room,
They helped her find ways to get past her sadness, and try to ignore the pool in her chest, the burning and it helped.

When Elizabeth was not training or feeding she was taking time to learn new things, like languages, And hobbies, and talents.

So far in just nearly two weeks Elizabeth has learned for languages, two instruments, and has developed the hobby for painting, And sewing. The for languages she has learned so far have been Slovakian, Because that is Tanya, Kate, and lrina's Birth Language, because they are from Slovakia And the whole family knows how to speak it.

And Italian, French, and Greek. She learned Italian because if that is where the Volturi home is, she wants to be able to speak the locals tongue. Plus, she's not sure if Jane is Italian or not, but if she is she must be able to impress the blonde. She learned French with Laurent, And she mainly learned it to bond with the man and become closer with him, which worked and their friendship has deepened with the days that have followed.

And she learned Greek becauwell, she always wanted to learn Greek, it being one of the oldest languages in the world she always found it interesting, And she's always been a fan of Greek history.

The two instruments that she has learned to play have been the harp, and Piano. Laurent taught her how to play the piano and again, she used it to get to know him more, she learned to play the harp because it's always been her favorite instrument, she's always found it very lovely, and has always wanted to learn but never found the time. Until now.

"When I look in to your eyes I see the world, I see the stars, the moon, the Galaxy, the true meaning of life." Elizabeth wrote the words down as she spoke them, As she sat with her legs crossed on the very rock, where she had her conversation with Alice nearly two weeks ago. "When I look into your eyes I no longer feel alone, misunderstood, or afraid. when I look into your eyes, I see my home, my future, my reason for existing."

Elizabeth slightly smiled down at the words written on the paper, Then turned her eyes slightly upward to meet the beautiful golden Orange sunset, As it just started to put its beautiful rays upon the mountains, snow, and trees around her.

"Beautiful," She mumbled to herself, As she took in the beautiful site before her.

Seeing the sunsets in this spot is nothing new for Elizabeth, she has been coming here every day at the very same time, Since her conversation with Alice.
It's become her spot, As one would say.
her get away, She can Come to this spot and sit, and watch the sunset as she writes down her thoughts and feelings into her journal.

Which, has helped her a great deal, In these past few days. Being able to get all of her thoughts, her deep thoughts, and feelings out have allowed her to become somewhat of a better version, of herself.
It has allowed her to accept, and let go, of her feelings And deepest thoughts, pain and regrets. And in some way getting it all out has helped her find who she is now, as an immortal creature with no real purpose.

She is no longer Elizabeth Swan,
The weak human girl who could not protect her sister when she needed her most, No, Elizabeth Swan is gone, and has been since the day she died.

Elizabeth, the Vampire, is what remains.
The cold, non breathing, immortal, painfield Vampire, Is all that remains of the one warmed skin, shy, mortal, heartbeating human.

And yes, Elizabeth knows that even though her heart no longer beats, and her skin is no longer warm, That does not really change who she is on the inside. But, she can't help but feel like it has In these past almost two weeks,

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