Chapter 10

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That night, and the next day was spent of nothing but driving, and silence. Only stopping every now and then For gas, food and to use the bathroom. For Elizabeth, she was actually happy for the silence, for the most part. She tried not to worry, But in a situation like this, how can One not? Not only is Bella and herself in danger, but the Cullen's and their parents could be as well.

That thought is what troubled her the most,  Elizabeth does not know what she would do if something was to happen to any of them. And She can't help but feel that it's her fault, all of it's her fault. had she just stayed away and not given in to her curiosity, maybe this wouldn't be happening.?

But she knows that's not true.

They tried to call their mother, But she wasn't answering, And they worried.
She usually answers immediately when she sees one of them calling, and there's no doubt Charlie Has already Spoken to her and told her the Two sisters have left. So why is she's not answering?

It worried both Elizabeth and Bella, And they both wondered the same thing Though neither spoke it out loud, or thought too much on it. The thought for both of them was too much to bear. And it was even more for Elizabeth, she was on the break of worrying herself to death as it was, she didn't need to add more to it.

"I'm sorry lsabeth." Bella said so low, so low in fact the younger sister almost didn't hear it.

"Bella," Elizabeth spoke softly, Reaching to softly touch her sister on the back but Bella pulled away, And walked over and sat down in a chair not far from Jasper and Alice.

It had been a few hours now since they had checked in to a hotel in Phoenix, And the Two sisters had barely said anything to one another, mainly on Bella's part.

"Do you realize what to day is?" Bella asked, not turning her eyes from the floor.

"Y-yes." Elizabeth sighed, It's the 16th, her birthday Of course she knows what day it is. "So?" The older sister turned her eyes from the floor and met the younger's,

"So? So lsabeth We should be at home celebrating! eating cake, not fearing for our lives in a Hotel!" Bella Turned away once more, As tears came to the corner of her eyes and Elizabeth could see that she was holding in a lot of Guilt, that she shouldn't have.

Elizabeth knows that Bella feels that all this is all her fault, as Elizabeth feels its hers. But Bella had no idea that this was going to happen, so she should not feel guilty for something that is not her fault.

"Bella." Lizzy Made her way over to her sister and Crouched down and softly put her hands on her knee, Getting the Oldest attention. "Y-you know that I have never liked m-my birthday, So do not feel bad. N-None of this is your f-fault, nor is it mine."  She spoke softly, And a tiny slight smile came to the older's lips.

"I just...I can't help but feel like it is, We should be at home. We should be with Charlie, right now celebrating not here, With a psychopath after us." Bella ran a hand through her hair and Elizabeth softly took it And held it close to her chest.

"It's going to be Okay, And w-when this is over, We can c-celebrate, okay?" Bella took a deep breath, then slowly nodded and squeezed Elizabeth's hand. "E-everything is going to be j-just fine," Elizabeth softly kissed the top of Bella's head, And squeezed her hand back.

In truth, Elizabeth isn't sure if everything is going to be fine, or okay. but she wants to believe, and hope that it will. Even though she has a dark feeling, deep inside that tells her otherwise.

"What is it?" Jasper asked Alice, And both sisters turned to see her with a blank face, and Elizabeth immediately new she was having a vision. "What do you see?"

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