Chapter 4

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The next day came, And Edward did not show for school, Which Made Bella unhappy, And Elizabeth didn't hear end of it.

The younger sister didn't know why the Cullen's boy didn't show, and she felt like something wasn't right, but let it go.

The next day after that still nothing, And so forth until a week goes by, And Bella began to think that she was the reason for his absence, Which Elizabeth thought was ridiculous.

Surely Bella wasn't the reason. I mean, if that was the case, then why? Why not show because of Bella? The thought was ridiculous to Elizabeth, and she almost laughed at it.

I mean seriously, Bella?

"I just don't understand!" Bella walked back-and-forth as she went on another rant about Edward. "I think it's me, Elizabeth! I really do."

lsabeth sighed, "Bella, be realistic here, why would You, be the reason for his absence?"

"I, i-i don't know?" The older sister looked down and thought for a moment, "but, i mean, what else could it be?"

"He could be sick? Or have a family matter?" Elizabeth listed off, she did not know why her sister thought she was the reason.

Bella looked at her for a few seconds, then took a deep breath. "..your right, but still, I can't help but feel like I have something to do with it." She began to walk again,

"i can't believe I'm going to say this, but, I cannot wait for school." Elizabeth shook her head slightly and closed her eyes.

Elizabeth Loves her sister, she really does, but, it's times like this she wishes to not be in her vicinity.

"Charles Back," Bella said Looking out of her bedroom window.

"Finally, Thank God." Elizabeth sighed and get up from the bed.

both sisters grabbed their things and made their way downstairs, and when they got outside and down the stairs Bella fell on some Ice. "Bella!" Elizabeth reached over along with Their father and helped her up.

"Are you alright?" Charlie asked With worry looking her over.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Ice didn't really help the uncoordinated." Bella said and Elizabeth giggled softly to herself.

"Uh, yeah, that's why I had some new tires put on the Truck, the old ones were going pretty beld." Their father told them. "Well, I'll probably be late for dinner. I've got to head down to Mason county, a unity group at the Grisham maill get killed by some animal."

"An Animal?" Bella asked Curiously,

"It must have been a big Animal." Elizabeth thought, and Looked at Bella who thought the some thing.

"You girls aren't in Phoenix anymore, Bells, lizzy." He said before opening the door to his car. "Anyway, I figured I'd lend a hand."

"You be careful," Bella said softly.

"I always am," he smiled.

"And, uh, thanks for the tires,"

"Yeah," Elizabeth watched their father get in his car, then sighed and get inside the Truck.

"I can't believe someone got killed by animal." Bella shook her head and turned on the Truck.

"Well You heard Dad, we aren't Phoenix anymore." Elizabeth turned to her sister.

"No, no we are not." Bella signed.

"Unfortunately." Elizabeth turned and looked at the window and watched the trees fly by, as the feeling of anxiety of school filled her nerves.

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