Chapter 12

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Forty-Six hours,

That is how long they had been driving, That is how long it took for them to get to denali. And for what was supposed to be a simple ride, Turned into a almost nightmare for Elizabeth.

They had to stop twice so that she could feed, She found it hard to keep herself still and collected, And when They would be beside someone on the highway or stopped at a red light, Elizabeth found it very hard to restrain the burning that came to her throat, And her eyes from wondering to the humans that would be beside them in just a car.

She knew it would be hard to control her thirst, she knew it would be difficult, but she never imagined it would be So, strenuous.

Elizabeth fought with herself Mentally for the entire ride, And even with Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice helping her, it wasn't enough. It took everything in Elizabeth to remain in her seat And not do something that she cannot even begin to think about.

It took everything in her and the thought of Bella, To keep her from feeding on the innocent. Every time Her vampire instincts would kick in telling her to feed on Humans, Bella would pop to her mind and she would see her face, And it would help her fight back the thirst each time.

And each time Elizabeth couldn't help the tiny smile that would come to the corner of her lips, And silently thinking her sister for being her saving grace.

"We're almost there," Jasper informed them,  Letting them know that they were close to reaching the Denali's home.

They have been driving up a mountain for what feels like Hours, but has only been a few minutes. And Elizabeth began to play with her fingers In her lap, as she began to feel nervous.

Even though Esme told her a little bit about the Denali's And how they will be kind to her, She is still nervous.
she doesn't want to make a bad 1st impression, because she believes at 1st impressions go a long way, and she doesn't want them to dislike her.

"I hope I don't say or do something stupid." Elizabeth Looked down at her hands,  Trying to fight her nerves but unable to.

"Elizabeth," Rosalie spoke softly, And gently grabbed Elizabeth's hands and squeezed them softly Looking at the young Vampire with assurance. "You do not need to be nervous. they are going to like you," The blonde assured her and softly moved some hair away from her face tucking it behind her ear.

"But if–"

"We're here," Jasper cut Elizabeth off, Informing them that they have arrived at the Denalis home.

Elizabeth quickly turned her gaze up from her lap and looked out of the windshield of the now Parked, Jeep And her eyes met a beautiful Cabined house With many windows, And two cars parked out front.

"Wow." Elizabeth Continue to look at the beautiful home And the sight of the snow,  mountains, and trees behind it and around it, And as she did so Not one, But Five Vampires Appeared Just a few feet away from the Jeep. "that's them."

"Come on," Rosalie said, Getting Elizabeth's attention on to her, and softly grabbing her hand.

The newly vampire nodded, And Rose opened the door and they stepped out with Emmett right behind them, And the second Elizabeth's feet touched the ground the Denali's gaze turned to her and If she could still blush she would Be.

"Rose, Emmett," One of the blonde female vampires spoke, and Elizabeth looked up to meet her gaze as they walked to them, and Elizabeth would be lying if she said the woman was not beautiful.

She has strawberry blonde curls, Is about 5'5" has the 'vegetarian' golden vampire eyes, And a small yet curvy body. The woman in front of her almost reminds her of Jane, only she's not as beautiful, and breathtaking.

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