Chapter 8

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After dinner that night Elizabeth felt bad for how she acted with her sister, so she spent some time with Bella in her room And after an hour or two Elizabeth Went back into her own room And spent a majority of the night talking with Rosalie getting to know one another more until Elizabeth softly fell asleep.

The next day, Elizabeth did not go to school again And had a little bit of an argument with Rosalie, telling the blonde she should go so that people don't get suspicious about her and her family. Rosalie told her that it would be fine but Elizabeth still didn't listen and eventually the blonde gave in to the brunette, and Elizabeth spent the day alone at home With her thoughts, and books of course. And She had a hard time keeping herself together with her thoughts, But got through it and better when Rosalie came through her window That afternoon after school.

The next morning, Elizabeth didn't know if she wanted to go to school again but when Charlie came in worried because she had already missed to days she decided that it was time she went back. even though she didn't want to, she didn't want the man to think that something was really wrong with her. Even though There sort of is.

The drive on the way to school between her and Bella was quiet, And It made Elizabeth uncomfortable, and unlike usual she didn't break it. And when they got to the school Rosalie was there waiting for Elizabeth, And they walked inside together with the blonde shooting a glance To the older of the Two sisters As she made her way to Edward's side.

The day was not going good for Elizabeth, She was more uncomfortable than usual, her anxiety was on an all time high, and with everyone around her she somehow found herself feeling alone. During all of her classes before lunch she kept her head down and thanked God that No teacher asked her any questions. And when lunch finally did come around, It didn't help her uncomfortableness or her anxiety When Alice, pulled her the second she walked through the doors to sit at the table with her family.

Which as you would guess, caught the attention of the entire school, and Elizabeth tried everything she could to ignore all of the looks and whispers.

"Why can't they just mind their business?" Elizabeth Kept her eyes down at the table,  Unable to look up Feeling like she was some ancient statue that people couldn't take their eyes off.

"Elizabeth," Rosalie spoke softly, Getting the brunettes attention. "I'm sorry." Elizabeth looked confused by her words, and before she can ask Rosalie spoke again. "I know you hate attention, And Alice shouldn't have brought you over here without Asking First." The blonde sent her sister a quick glance, To which the future Seer Smiled.

"O-oh, uh, I-it's okay." Elizabeth Whispered under her breath, and the blonde Shook her head slightly.

"No, it's not. Alice knew better, and now you're the talk of the school." The blonde told her, And Elizabeth wasn't surprised, she could see them whispering And glancing at her.

"I'm sorry Liza," Alice said softly, Then snuggled in to Jasper More. "Roses right, I should have asked you if it was okay."

"R-really, it's fine." Elizabeth sighed, Though they could tell that she was lying, And it didn't really make Rosalie happy, But she let it go. Not wanting to push Elizabeth or make her upset.

"You're Sister is Staring a hole Through you," Rosalie Informed her, And Elizabeth slightly turned to meet Bella's gaze Before the blonde lets out a small growl. "Angela really should mind her business." She hissed and leaned against Emmett,

"w-why?" Elizabeth asked, taking her gaze from Bella to Rosalie.

"She's asking her when we became so close." Rose answered, "And I, the ice Queen of the school, Is being so close, and talkative with you."

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