Chapter 9

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For the rest of that afternoon Elizabeth and Rosalie stayed in her room and talked until she had to leave, And Elizabeth stayed in her room until dinner reading her books and Listening to music. At dinner, however, Bella would send glances Elizabeth way every now and then and Charlie could feel the tension between the two girls, and tried to get them to talk but neither would and eventually he gave up.

After dinner Elizabeth went back to her room And Bella to hers, Neither still said anything to the other And it may be Elizabeth upset, She wanted to speak to her sister, spend time with her, apologize, but she knew that Bella needed space at the moment. So she kept to herself and waited for Bella. The rest of the night went by in almost a Flash, Elizabeth stayed up and waited for Rosalie who wasn't really happy when she came through the window and saw the young Swan up past her bedtime but She let it go when Elizabeth fell asleep in her arms.

The next day, Saturday, The Two sisters still said nothing to one another, And it hurt Elizabeth. Rosalie tried to convince The younger sister to talk to Bella, but Elizabeth did not. Elizabeth knew that it would do more bad than good, at the moment. and would probably make matters worse. so she stayed in her room with Rosalie All day and Talk about anything and everything, Still trying to forget what happened days ago, And not worry of Bella. Which was easier said than done, most days.

That evening, like for the past few nights, Elizabeth fell asleep in the blonde's arms, and like the past few nights, since that night, she woke up to a nightmare, which Rosalie helped her with. and when she woke the next morning, Sunday, She woke to the blonde smiling down at her softly, And it warmed her heart. Though, they do not get to stay that way long because Rosalie had to leave to go get her red BMW so she could come and pick Elizabeth up and take her to her home, Early before Edward picks up Bella.

"Lizzy!" Her father yelled, From downstairs in the living room. "Rosalie is here for you!" At his words the younger Swan quickly grabbed Her old green Jacket and put it on and looked in the mirror,

Even though she has met the Cullen's Already she still wants to look decent, Her old baggy blue jeans Lay loose around her hips, the black T-shirt that's a Size too big almost looks like it swallows her hole, And her old And almost look like they belong in the garbage sneakers Don't really top it off.

She doesn't really know about the outfit, well it's comfortable, and her taste, and what she would usually wear, if she wanted to go comfortable. she doesn't know if it's something she should wear to their home.

but Rosalie informed her Last night that she should wear something that's comfortable to her, and not that would be for someone else, so that's Is what Elizabeth went for.

With one last glance at herself, still unsure, She grabbed one of her leather side bags from off the floor that had a few essentials in it, just in case. And left out of her bedroom door and quickly made her way down the Stairs,

"So your family's going to be playing baseball." Charlie, said Taking a sip of his beer from the couch, watching a game of baseball himself.

"Yes sir," Rosalie said, And turned her glance from the man to Elizabeth and smiled brightly. "Are you ready?" Elizabeth nodded, Then turned to her father.

"i-i will be b-back awhile." Elizabeth told him, and he nodded.

"Alright, Be careful, and if anything happens let me know. and uh, Rosalie," The chief turned to the blonde. "Don't let this one get anywhere near a bat, she's just as bad as her sister sometimes, she couldn't hit anything if her life depended on it." He joked, And Elizabeth looked down. It's not her fault she's not good at sports.

"I don't know about that, chief Swan." Rosalie said, "Maybe she just needs the right teacher," The blonde softly put her hand on the brunette's shoulder and Elizabeth looked up to meet her gaze, That brings her great comfort every time she meets it.

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