Chapter 5

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The next day at school was fine, Elizabeth and Alice talked about their project until Alice Went on a field trip with Bella and Edward along with her boyfriend Jasper. When Bella got back from said trip However Elizabeth got an ear full about Edward, again. Which she Tried to tune out.

After that the next 3 days went by quickly with Elizabeth and Alice talking with each other whenever they could, and Bella and Edward sending glances to one another.

Friday, however, during lunch Bella and Elizabeth were asked if they wanted to go to LA push on Saturday, To which Elizabeth said no for she already had plans with Alice, the Cullen and Swan Had agreed on Tuesday that Alice would meet Elizabeth at her house Saturday afternoon to do their project, and Bella said yes to the offer so Elizabeth and Alice could have the house to themselves, even though she badly wanted to be there.

And to say that Elizabeth Is nervous would be an understatement. I mean, Alice Cullen is going to be at her house, with her, alone. So Elizabeth is more than anxious,

"I hope I don't say or do anything weird." Elizabeth sighed, This is the 1st time that She's ever been alone with someone other than Bella, Her mother, or father. Not to mention that this is Alice Cullen, sister to Edward Cullen, Who saved Bella.

And even though Elizabeth has tried to put what happened almost a week ago behind her, she can't help but think about it. It's forever stuck in her mind, like glue.

"i help i don-" Elizabeth Is taken from her thought as the door bell ring, "Okay she's here! Act cool." Elizabeth Took a deep breath before opening the door and meeting the bright smile of Alice.

"Hello, Elizabeth!"

"Hey, uh c-come in," Elizabeth moved Aside so Alice could walk through the door.

"Thank you for having me, your house is very lovely." Alice looked around the small Living room.

"Of course, and uh Thank you," Elizabeth watched her look at a few pictures on the wall. "W-Would you like something to drink? And uh, please, Make yourself a home." Alice turned and smiled.

"No Thank you," She walked over and took a seat on the couch softly, and Elizabeth nodded and took a Spot on the end of the couch. "Now, I Brought a few things for our project, I hope that's all right?"

"O-of course," Elizabeth watched as she pulled a few things out of her bag. The Two had decided that they would paint a picture of what they both think love is, splitting it down the middle.

"Alrighty, are you ready to start?" Alice turned to Elizabeth who nodded, and they Begin to paint. And after a few minutes Alice looked over at Elizabeth's side And her eyes turned To confusion, Elizabeth Is painting what appears to be A red line wrapping around what appears to be the moon, from the Earth. "What are you painting?" She asked Curiously.

"Hm?" Elizabeth Looked up at meet her gaze, "oh! Uh, Well. The red line is supposed to be blood," Alice looked at her even more confused, "Everyday, the heart creates Enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. in a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back. So, When you tell someone you love them to the "Moon and back" you're essentially saying You will love them with all of the blood your heart pumps your entire life." Alice's face took up a bright smile And she put a hand over her heart and made an Aw sound, which made Elizabeth Blush. "So, For me whenever I look up at the moon, I think of this and For me that is what represents love. Love of any kind to me means going beyond the stars themselves, so, yeah."

"That's beautiful, Elizabeth!" Elizabeth Blushed more and turned away from her Golden gaze.

"T-thank you," after a few moments Elizabeth turned back and looked over at Alice's side, Alice Has a half painted Swan and Dove intertwined with roses And Maple leaves Falling from above them, the painting Is rather beautiful. "your painting is beautiful, Alice." She turned to her and smiled.

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