Twilight Hours

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Medic-on-call: CT-6116, aka. Kix.

Resolute Medbay Night Shift Report.


Handover with CS-4343, aka. Sergeant Coric. Completed rounds and checked on patients. Three patients in medbay for overnight stay.

Bed 3: Commander Ahsoka Tano: Oblique non-displaced fracture of right femur, blaster wound on left forearm, and bruising of montrals.

Bed 5: CT-5555, aka. Fives: Compound skull fracture, and spinal injury of unknown severity.

Bed 7: CS-1119, aka. Sergeant Appo: Severe heatstroke, and a chest infection.

All settled, no concerns.


Commander Tano's dressings changed. No concerns. Tried standing and walking with crutches, but they had to be confiscated when she and General Skywalker started wielding them like lightsabers. Leg was elevated once she was back in bed.


Dismissed visitors. General Skywalker refused to leave.

CS-1119, aka. Sergeant Appo, still nauseous and unable to keep down any food or fluids. Halfway through antibiotic drip for chest infection.

Repositioned CT-5555, aka. Fives. Assessed for the need of an endotracheal tube. On hold for now.


Dismissed General Skywalker- by force.


All settled, no concerns.


Called to barracks. CT-0292, aka. Vaughn, slipped in the fresher and cut left cheekbone of raised ledge. Wound cleaned and covered. Admittance to medbay not necessary. Shiny Trooper was told to report to medbay in the morning.


CT-5555, aka. Fives, woke up for the first time since initial injury. Showed some confusion and distress due to traumatic spinal injury. CT-1409, aka. Echo, was called to medbay to keep CT-5555 calm. Fine motor skills did not seem to be impaired, and CT-5555 only complained about some tingling in lower legs. Suspected C8 cervical spinal cord injury due to low heart rate and low blood pressure. Endotracheal tube not required.

Encouraged fluids for CS-1119, aka. Sergeant Appo, now he is able to drink by himself. Very tired and lethargic.


CT-1409, aka. Echo, left the medbay as CT-5555, aka. Fives, became preoccupied talking with Commander Tano.

CS-1119, aka. Sergeant Appo, more able to hold a coherent conversation and confusion seems to have lessened. He requested more cooling packs and an extra pillow.


All settled, no concerns.

Commander Tano and CT-5555, aka. Fives, requested caf. CT-5555's request was permitted out of sympathy, and Tano was given a decaf version to prevent her from throwing a tantrum about favouritism.


CS-1119, aka. Sergeant Appo, requested to move beds as CT-5555, aka. Fives, and Commander Tano were talking too loudly. Request fulfilled. CS-1119 is now residing in Bed 10.


Commander Tano's dressings changed. Swelling of blaster wound on left forearm. Wound cleaned, fresh bacta applied and bandaged. The Commander's temperature remained steady, and she showed no signs of confusion. Rest encouraged to promote healing.

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