In the dark

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Content warnings: STIs, medical exams, past rape, rape recovery, and sad Anakin


When Anakin first arrived at the Jedi Temple, one of the first places he went was the Halls of Healing.

Obi-Wan told him that it was compulsory for all younglings to be given a physical and have samples drawn before going to live in the dorms, to prevent the spread of off-world diseases and identify any health problems.

It wouldn't take long, his new mentor promised, ten minutes at most.

An hour later, Anakin was still sitting on the edge of the paper-lined bed.

Vokara Che was appalled to find that he had never had a single vaccine in his life, and he weighed significantly less than he should. She was a strict woman, and Anakin watched with wide eyes as she reprimanded Obi-Wan for not noticing his malnutrition sooner.

She didn't seem to realise that Obi-Wan had been slightly preoccupied. He'd just lost Qui-Gon, been Knighted, and designated his own Padawan in just a number of days.

Vokara Che prescribed him awful-tasting calorie-dense shakes to drink with every meal and made him bathe in a skin-safe disinfectant when she found out he had a fungal infection. She dragged a fine-toothed comb through his hair at least a hundred times to get rid of the lice.

"Did your mother even wash you?" She muttered under her breath, as if clean water was a basic necessity instead of a privilege on Tattoine.

Over ten years later, Anakin still hated being examined by the Temple Healers.

They weren't like clone medics. Kix and Coric worked efficiently, but they still had time to make terrible jokes and keep their patients at ease. Even Brightside, who was the definition of anti-social, made him feel more comfortable than the medically trained Jedi.

The Rodian Healer was silent as she peered at his naked lower body. Anakin felt like he wanted to be sick as she reached out with gloved fingers to prod at the swelling. He bit back a wince as she put too much pressure on a particularly sore area.

When he arrived in the sexual health clinic room, he asked if a male Healer was available. The Rodian said that it was only her today, and if he wanted a chaperone, she could ask one of the Padawan Healers to join them.

Anakin assured her that he didn't want anyone else in the room.

Vokara Che had a strict confidentiality policy with regard to sexual health. Any Jedi, no matter their age, gender, or species, could consult the Healers about their sexual health, and expect to have their privacy protected beyond the doors of the Halls of Healing.

Anything they told the Healer was not at risk of exposure unless there was a safeguarding concern.

His confidentiality might have been protected, but that didn't mean he wasn't aware that the Rodian was judging him for presenting with symptoms of an STI.

He noticed it as soon as he explained his symptoms. Even though she had his file right in front of her, stating that he had come back from Zygerria two weeks ago, she still probably suspected that he was using lowlife prostitutes.

"How many sexual partners?" She asked, stripping off the gloves and tossing them into a bin meant for waste contaminated with bodily fluids. She washed her hands with soap twice.

"One," he replied, pulling his trousers back on, "For a mission."

Padmé was clean- there was no way he got this from her.

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