Needs to be met - Part 2

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As soon as the door closed behind them and Obi-Wan released Ahsoka's shoulder, the girl rounded on him. Teeth bared, nostrils flaring- he knew she was ticked off.

"You can't stop me from seeing him!" She shouted, the darkness in her eyes a natural warning.

Obi-Wan folded his hands in the sleeves of his robe, putting himself in a potentially dangerous position as the only barrier between the door and the girl. Ahsoka was clearly still not thinking rationally. He had never seen her like this.

"And risk someone else getting hurt?" He raised an eyebrow, "I'm not a fool, young one."

"Obi-Wan," she all but growled, forgoing his title altogether. "Get out of my way!"

He immediately recognised her distress and anger rising above what she would be able to control. Force-sensitives were dangerous when they couldn't calm themselves down like this, especially Padawans.

Discreetly, Obi-Wan waved a hand to lock the door, making it impossible for Ahsoka to break through. She was not safe to be amongst the clones like this.

He knew he could subdue her if she attempted to physically attack him. He'd restrained Anakin too many times to count when he was a Padawan.

If Ahsoka lashed out, she might be able to harm him, but he was more worried about her getting hurt.

"Calm down, Ahsoka," he told her firmly, though not unkindly.

"They were trying to take him away from me," she spat back, clenched fists trembling at her sides.

"They weren't," he tried to reason, "They were trying to help him. You know better than to believe that the medics meant Anakin any harm."

Deep down, Obi-Wan wondered if Ahsoka had been so lost in fear that her Master was dying to realise that the clones were on her side. Sometimes, adrenaline combined with trauma could conjure up irrational thoughts that were completely out of the person's control.

"You weren't there!" Ahsoka fired back, her shoulders shaking. "You-You didn't see the blood spurting everywhere! I could feel him faltering in the Force! You can't tell me I'm wrong for trying to protect him when you would do the same!"

Obi-Wan kept his ground. He refused to sink to Ahsoka's level, no matter how much she tried to get him to retaliate.

"Go and shower," he ordered lightly, "Then we can have a discussion about whether your actions were justifiable or not."


Oh, they were back to this. Great.

"Very well," Obi-Wan decided, "Instead, you can sit and meditate. That is what I will be doing. I will not discuss this matter further until you calm down."

"This is imprisonment!" She argued.

"Hardly, Ahsoka," he replied, "Think of it as damage control."

With a grumble of Huttese and Basic curses that he pretended to ignore, the girl turned and slumped onto the small sofa, her posture tense as she glared at him.

Obi-Wan sat down in front of the door, legs crossed and hands resting on his knees. He closed his eyes and sank into the Force.

Self-regulating, his Master had called it.

When younglings tested their caregivers' patience, it was just as important to focus on calming down as it was to ensure they were properly disciplined. It meant he was less likely to lose his cool and react impulsively.

In his struggle to control Anakin as a Padawan, Obi-Wan had learned about a relatively modern ideology called 'gentle parenting'.

There were four main aspects to the ideology. Empathy, respect, understanding, and boundaries.

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