Lost - Part 1

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Ahsoka had a funny feeling deep in her gut.

She knew it wasn't Mina Bonteri's cooking that unsettled her stomach, or Lux's timely glances in her direction that was giving her butterflies.

No, this was something else.

"Are you okay, Ahsoka?" Padmé asked, a serious look on her face as the Padawan helped her out of the speeder. The landing platform was busy with people- too many Force-signatures to keep track of. "You've been quiet since breakfast."

Ahsoka shook her head, gently as to not dislodge her hood. This was the most important part of their trip to Raxus- leaving the planet without being sighted. She couldn't mess this up.

"I'm fine," she lied through her teeth, a trait learnt from her Master. "Just ready to be back in familiar territory."

Padmé's smile was kind, "I owe you one- for getting me out here."

Ahsoka gritted her teeth, "We're not out of Separatist space yet."


Surprisingly, they managed to get onto a ship without being stopped by any patrols. Ahsoka tried to relax as they secured their bags and took their seats, attempting to blend into the mass of other travellers.

Padmé, still noticing her unease, reached out and squeezed her knee. Ahsoka attempted to smile, "My Master's going to be mad."

The Senator smirked, "What Anakin doesn't know can't hurt him."

Ahsoka supposed she was right. She didn't want to be keeping things from her Master, especially something like this. Coming to Raxus was risky- it wasn't something she was eager to try again.

A tall woman in transport police uniform stepped onto the carriage. Ahsoka kept her eyes low as she began stalking through the aisle, asking for tickets.

"Relax," Padmé whispered, but Ahsoka's anxiety failed to settle. Her lightsabers were on her belt, hidden by her robe. Padmé found their tickets in her pocket, placing a perfectly calm expression on her face.

"Tickets," the woman demanded with her hand outstretched.

"Here you are," Padmé said, doing her best to disguise her accent.

Ahsoka kept her head down as the woman checked the tickets, marking them. She was about to exhale in relief when the woman spoke again.

"Remove your hood."

Her hands almost trembled as she slowly lowered the hood, doing her best to not seem suspicious. Her heart was thudding against her ribcage as she glanced up, trying to mirror Padmé's calm expression.

The woman looked between them, "Where are you travelling from?"

"Mandalore," Padmé said effortlessly.

"What was the purpose of your visit to Raxus?"

"Pleasure." The Senator answered again.

"Did you see anyone?"

"No, ma'am."

With every question, Ahsoka grew more and more on edge.

"How do you two know each other?"

"She's my servant." The lie made Ahsoka's skin crawl, but it made enough sense.

"Can I see some ID?"


"I'm afraid we don't have any." Padmé said, whilst Ahsoka chewed the inside of her lip. She started to look around the carriage, wondering where the fastest exit was should they have to make a run for it. "We've never been asked to show ID before."

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