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Anakin could have never predicted the stress his new student felt after being away from home- the Temple- for a little less than a week.


Anakin supposed he should've noticed sooner.

He hadn't known Ahsoka for a lifetime, but in the few weeks since she had been assigned his Padawan, he learnt that she preferred the meat rations over the vegetarian version, favoured sleeping on her right side, and tugged the end of her left lekku when she was nervous- despite always putting up a confident façade in front of him and the men.

He noted that she had a lot of respect for Master Plo, implied by the way she brought him up in most conversations. She had lived in the Temple for as long as she could remember.

There was still a lot for him to learn about the young and sparky Togruta who had ended up in his care.

Most importantly, he needed to know why, after six days of being on the same war-sodden planet, Ahsoka had taken her evening rations and sat apart from the rest of the men.

"Can I join you?"

She jumped, startled from thought as though he had sneaked up on her. Anakin tilted his head, concerned she hadn't heard him approaching or sensed him. Ahsoka masked her surprise quickly, shuffling over on the cloak she was sat on, so he had room to sit as well, "Of course, Master."

His knees creaked as he sat down, but it was the least of his worries. He watched his student who could usually talk his ear off at any hour of the night as she fiddled with her lightsaber, her meal sat untouched beside her.

Anakin nudged her shoulder, "The rations aren't any better when they're cold."

"Right," she huffed a fake laugh, picking up her mess tin and scooping some of the mush onto a spoon. Anakin gave her space to eat a few mouthfuls, finishing what was left of his own portion. It wasn't nice at all, hardly better than his own cooking abilities, but food is fuel.

When Ahsoka lowered her empty mess tin, wiping her mouth with her sleeve, Anakin offered his canteen. She accepted it with a grateful smile, taking a few large gulps before passing it back to him, "Thanks."

"No problem," he drank some himself, getting rid of the stale taste left in his mouth from the rations. "You tired?"

She shrugged, "I tried to sleep earlier, but I couldn't."

"We need to rest," Anakin said, trying not to sound too patronising. He hadn't planned on making Ahsoka suffer through the same lectures that he had when he was a Padawan. "We don't know how much longer this campaign is going to last."

Ahsoka sighed, drawing her knees to her chest. She couldn't be cold- it was humid at night here. "Great."

"Don't sound too enthusiastic," Anakin leaned back on his hands, stretching out his legs.

"I'm sorry, Master," Ahsoka sighed again, her lack of snippiness starting to worry him. "I just... this is the longest I've ever been away from the Temple."

A frown settled on his features. They had only been gone for six days, and it was looking like they might be here for at least another week. It wasn't unusual for campaigns to take a month or longer- how would she cope then?

"Are you homesick?"

Ahsoka turned her head to look at him, blinking with confusion, "What?"

"Missing home." He supplied, immediately wondering if he should have clarified 'the Temple' but deciding that those words were the same in Ahsoka's eyes. "It's the... heavy weight in your stomach, the feeling of isolation in a room full of people. And you're tired, but the thought of actually sleeping makes you feel like crying. Is that what you're feeling?"

Ahsoka stared at him, her Force-signature swirling. She hesitated before whispering, "I guess."

"Don't be embarrassed," he chastised lightly, ignoring how he pulsed with guilt for letting his student feel this way. He presumed Obi-Wan had felt the same way- unable to fully satisfy a child's burning need to be amongst familiarity. "It's normal. You'll get used to it."

She lifted an eye marking, "Will I?"

"Yeah," he promised, "I did."

"You get homesick?" She asked, surprise written on her face. Anakin supposed it was good that she was talking to him, even if remembering the countless nights he spent staring out of the window in Obi-Wan's quarters- wishing it was his mom tucking him into bed instead of a stranger- made his heart quench sadly.

"I came to the Temple when I was nine," he told her, "Those first few months were... awful. I think I have the record for most escape attempts of any Padawan."

A small smile cracked across her lips, replaced quickly by a more solemn one, "The Temple's all I've ever known. I didn't really think about how much I would miss it on missions."

Anakin leaned forwards, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder, "And when you get back, you'll want to be anywhere but there, trust me. You'll have younglings and Padawans swarming you, wanting to hear about all your adventures."

"Is this supposed to be an adventure?" She asked, jutting her chin towards their camp. This mission hadn't been easy by any means- the casualties had been high.

"More of an adventure than classes and Council meetings," he chipped back, giving her shoulder a light squeeze before letting go.

Ahsoka was quiet for a moment before she asked, "And you're sure it'll get better?"

"I promise," he said, smiling, "It's okay to miss home-" he still did- "but it won't feel so much like the universe is ending."

She returned his smile, "Thanks, Master."

"You're welcome, Padawan-mine," Anakin collected their mess tins, "You should try to find something to bring with you- a little slice of home. That might help."

"I thought Jedi shouldn't own possessions," Ahsoka contested.

"Well, I won't tell if you won't," he winked at her, climbing to his feet, "Now, come on. The boys are going to be up for a while longer, telling stories and whatnot. If you're lucky, you might get to hear one of the inspiring legends about the esteemed General Skywalker."

She scrambled to get up behind him, brushing off her cloak and hurrying to catch up. Anakin smiled to himself, proud he had restored some of the light to her eyes. He knew it was hard- missing home- but soon enough, Ahsoka would find a new family in the 501st, and maybe, in him.

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