On the fresher floor

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Oh, my... it has certainly been a while since I last published anything. I can only apologise. I've started university now and have been having a really bad case of writer's block. I really want to get back on track, and having to isolate for Covid seemed like a good opportunity to do what I love. 


Anakin learns an important lesson in the consequences of avoiding medical treatment.


By the time they reached the Resolute, Anakin was thoroughly- thoroughly- exhausted.

It hadn't meant to be a long mission. In and out- the Council had said so themselves. He and Ahsoka had set out from the cruiser for a scouting mission with the intention of returning no more than a few hours later.

It was supposed to be easy- seeing as Ahsoka was still weak from her brush with death following the Blue Shadow Virus. She wasn't exactly ready to run back into battle, and after nearly losing her, Anakin hadn't stopped arguing with the Council until they agreed to give her a less strenuous mission.

That was a load of bantha-shit.

It probably could've been worse. They had managed to avoid the Separatist patrols in the area for the most part, and even when they finally broke into the outpost, the resistance hadn't been overwhelming for two Jedi.

It was after they got the information they needed and headed back to the rendezvous that things got messy.

Anakin hadn't felt like he was in his top form since they first set out. He was finding it hard to catch his breath at times, and if he turned too fast, he became dizzy, feeling sick to his stomach. He had pushed past it to begin with, Ahsoka's infectious enthusiasm for being back on the field taking priority over whatever bug he had picked up from somewhere.

They knew a risk of a storm was high due the planet's unstable atmosphere, but they didn't anticipate it being as bad as it was. The rain was torrential, soaking them to the bone and practically flooding every cave they explored for any means of shelter. Every attempt at communicating with the Resolute was unsuccessful, and with his Padawan shaking from the cold rain and exhausted to her core, Anakin decided they would just have to wait it out.

They rested under tree canopy, though it did little to keep them dry. Even after wrapping Ahsoka in his outer tunic, the Togruta still trembled in her sleep. Anakin offered to take the watch for the night, which Ahsoka only protested a few times before accepting defeat. The hours of nightfall felt like days, but when the skies at last brightened, Anakin could feel the onset of a sore throat and a throbbing headache.

When Ahsoka woke up- thankfully not with the same symptoms due to the strong antibiotics Kix insisted she finished a course of- Anakin gave her all the rations he had. Then, as soon as she was ready, they set out through the thick mud in hopes of making it back to the Resolute.

Anakin could have cried when he heard Rex's voice through his commlink, and he nearly did when the Captain regretfully informed him that Admiral Yuleran had moved the rendezvous two klicks east in fears of being sighted by Separatist forces.

By the time they made it to the drop point, Anakin was struggling more than he wanted to admit. He felt nauseous and breathless, it was hurting his chest to try to keep up with Ahsoka as she skipped along. His skin was raging hot to the touch, even as his teeth chattered.

"Are you okay, Master?" Ahsoka asked, eyeing him wearily in the gunship as it returned to the cruiser. The change in atmosphere made Anakin's ears ache.

"I'm fine, Snips," he replied, though even speaking made his throat feel like he was swallowing acid. He just needed to drink some water and sleep- then he would be back to one hundred percent and rearing to go.

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