What's this? - Part 3

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T/W: Mentions of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Anakin has to admit that despite the circumstances, seeing his Padawan stoned out of her mind on anaesthesia is quite amusing.

"Kix..." Ahsoka groans, trying to grab the medic's ear as he adjusts her IV. Thanks to her being a Force-sensitive adolescent, the medics need to keep her on round-the-clock care until the anaesthesia was completely out of her system, hence why she hasn't been dismissed to her quarters yet.

"Hold still for me, Commander," Kix mutters, his patience outweighing his frustration as he checks the dressing on the back of her neck.

Anakin tenses his jaw at the thought of him and Ahsoka having matching scars. That doesn't sit right with him.

"You should grow your hair out..." Ahsoka murmurs, petting Kix's head.

"Snips." Anakin says sternly, as if that would make a difference whilst she's high.

"I'll consider it, sir." Kix took hold of her hand before she ripped the needle out, lowering it to rest on her stomach. Ahsoka gave him a lopsided grin, her eyes half-lidded. "She should be back to normal in a few hours, General."

"As long as she isn't taking up too much room," Anakin muttered, glancing out of the curtained cubicle to see the amount of Togrutas inside the medbay has lowered since that morning, but the medics still have their hands full.

Kix gives him a tired smile, "She's a good patient, General, especially when she's, uh, drugged."

Anakin rolls his eyes- he knew there was a reason why Kix was so adamant about putting her to sleep for the procedure. Ahsoka can get a little jumpy when she's being treated. "If that's all Kix, you're dismissed."

"Thank you, sir." The medic slides out of the cubicle, instantly shouting across the room, "Excuse me, sir! Please don't take the medbot's arm off!"

Anakin chuckles, leaning over the rails of Ahsoka's bed. The Togruta colonists, although battered from their experience and usually peaceful in nature, are the mischievous type, and he suddenly knows where his student gets it from.

"Don't forget your promise, Skyguy..." Ahsoka murmurs, nestling under the blankets.

Anakin sighs, looking away from the patch under her back lek, "Just focus on resting, Snips."

Why does she care so much about his mother anyway? The woman's dead- she's of no interest to Ahsoka. Why can't they talk about something else- like pod racing statistics?

Part of him wants to just keep his mother to himself- the story of her life is too fragile to be passed around. He trusts Ahsoka, of course, but he doesn't want her to look at him any differently because of his past. She may know now that he was a slave, but Ahsoka may see him as weaker if she finds out how much a childhood in chains destroyed his spirit.

Though, his mother always said to not judge someone by the scars on their back.

"How is she?"

He looks up to see Obi-Wan entering the cubicle, his former Master looking much better after several hours in a bacta tank. He wears a tired smile as he observes the Knight and Padawan, "Kix told me what happened as soon as I regained consciousness."

"She's fine." Anakin straightens, resting a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder. "She gave us a bit of a scare."

"I'm sure." Obi-Wan's eyes show exactly how much he understands. When the Healers found the chip in Anakin's neck, his newly appointed Master nearly fainted.

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