Good Grief

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Anakin and Ahsoka don't find Master Plo in time when the Malevolence strikes.


"Now, Ahsoka," she looks at Anakin when he addresses her. He keeps on looking out the viewpoint, unable to meet her eyes, "we might find something you don't want to find."

"I know, Master." She doesn't. "But I have to believe."

"How do you know Master Plo anyway?" He asks curiously, finally looking over at her.

"He's one of my oldest friends." She says, her eyes lowered, "It was Master Plo Koon who found me and brought me to the Temple where I belonged."

Anakin wishes he never asked.

He remembers how he felt about Master Qui-Gon's death. If Master Plo found Ahsoka- when she was a toddler- then she obviously has a close connection to him. It's going to be a tragedy if they can't find him.

"I don't remember my parents." Ahsoka goes on, "But, I think of Master Plo as both a mother and father to me."

Anakin swallows. He should've never brought her out here. Ahsoka could've stayed with Yuleran and Rex, organising the fleet whilst he looked for survivors. He taps onto Master Plo through the Force, gets nothing in response. He needs to get Ahsoka out of here.

"Incoming transmission, Master." Ahsoka says, "I think someone noticed we're gone."

Obi-Wan appears on a hologram, and even though he's small, Anakin can see the frown on his face, "Anakin, where are you?"

"Oh, hello, Master." He stutters, "Uh, we made a quick stop in the Abregado system."

"A rescue mission, I suppose." Obi-Wan says, acting as if he's omniscient. "You had other orders."

"It was my idea, Master Obi-Wan." Ahsoka says, and Anakin's almost glad for her interruption.

"Oh, I'm sure." Obi-Wan replies smugly. "Well, have you found any survivors?"

"No, you were right." Anakin says, hopes Obi-Wan will be his ticket to get Ahsoka out of here without seeing something not meant for young eyes. "The Separatists don't want any witnesses."

"All the more reason for you to re-join the defensive escorts. We need you, Anakin, both of you. You're going to miss the rendezvous with the fleet if you don't hurry."

Hopefully, Ahsoka can hear the seriousness in Obi-Wan's tone. They don't have time to scavage the remains of Master Plo's destroyed fleet when the mystery weapon is still out there. It's what the Kel Dor would want them to do.

"I know, Master, we're on our way." Anakin promises, and he starts inputting the hyperspace coordinates.

Ahsoka subconsciously pours her disappointment into the Force, spreading it over their bond, and Anakin can't help but feel sorry for the kid. Anakin went against orders to find his mother, and he remembers the helplessness he felt when he couldn't go to Tatooine at first.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka." An apology won't help, but it's all he can say whilst he turns the Twilight around.

He looks up at Ahsoka's gasp, sees her eyes glued to one of the most horrific, gut-wrenching, blood-curdling sights he's seen in nineteen years of life. He thought a childhood in slavery was bad, but it's nothing compared to the sight through the viewpoint.

They found Master Plo.

Floating. His mask detached from his face. Behind him is a graveyard of white-armoured soldiers, frozen in space. Some of the clones don't have their helmets on, and the change in pressure has caused their heads to implode.

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