Something to help you fall asleep

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Obi-Wan goes on a rescue mission for his former Padawan's Padawan.

T/W: Forced vomiting to get rid of poison- not graphic!


It took Obi-Wan six hours to find her.

Six hours between the Council finding out that there had been an altercation near the end of her mission, and him bursting the backdoor of a bar open to find her laying on a lice-ridden bed.

Plo had wanted to go with him instead of fulfilling his other duties- hell, Anakin was seconds away from abandoning his men in the Outer Rim to find his missing Padawan- but Obi-Wan was insistent on going alone.

He was glad his former Padawan hadn't come, because to find her, Obi-Wan had to barter and negotiate with some of the scummiest people he'd ever met, people who committed crime for fun and drank themselves to a paralytic state every night of the week, to get a lead of where the missing Jedi could be found. He'd lost his ship somewhere along the line too.

He'd already dealt with the sleemo who'd tried to take off with Ahsoka, aiming to get a little profit from a young, female Togruta. That man wouldn't need credits anymore, not when his body was floating downstream with a hole in his abdomen. Obi-Wan hadn't even hesitated, he'd killed the man before he even finished saying the name of a local brothel that were hiring more exotic species.

When it came to Ahsoka, Obi-Wan would bend any of his morals to see that she came to no harm. He was sure it was a trait that Anakin rubbed off on him, or maybe it was the other way around. He remembered feeling the same way when he was teaching Anakin.

The girl was face down on the tattered sheets, one arm hanging off the mattress. Her stillness had Obi-Wan rushing forward, panic climbing in his throat as he fumbled to feel a pulse from her neck. It was a weight off his shoulders when he found it, although faint and unsteady.

"Ahsoka, wake up, dear," he urged as quietly as he could, touching her cheek that felt a few degrees warmer than normal. He was relieved to see that her clothes were all intact, no buckles undone or tears down the seams.

Of course, that didn't mean nothing had possibly happened to her, but he could push that worry aside for now. What mattered more was making sure she was well, and then getting her back to the Temple.

"Ahsoka," he tried again when she didn't stir, using a sterner tone. He shook her shoulder, "Padawan, open your eyes."

Slowly, her lashes fluttered against her cheeks. Blue, iridescent eyes blinked at him, "Master..."

"Yes, young one," he sighed, happy to hear her voice, "It's Obi-Wan. Can you stand? We need to get out of here."

She yawned, her jaw popping in the process. Her lack of alertness was worrying, as was the way her eyes were already drifting closed once more.

"Ahsoka," he pulled her to sit upright, only for the girl to sag against his chest, too disorientated to even think about grabbing onto his robe for support. "Ahsoka, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear..." she mumbled, a dry laugh huffing through her, "Head hurts, Master..."

"Alright," he took a moment to rub her back, soothing her although it was unlikely she understood the danger she was in. "Bear with me, my dear."

Unceremoniously, Obi-Wan hoisted the girl over his shoulder. Besides a disgruntled grunt, Ahsoka was too out of it to complain, and her limbs swung like dead weights although she was light in his arms. He could've carried her bridal style, but that would've left him without a free hand to fight their way out of this bar if needed.

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