Welcome home, Ahsoka

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Ahsoka faces Anakin as he storms the Temple.


Ahsoka was meditating in her quarters when she felt one hundred daggers pierce into her back. For minutes, she couldn't move, think or breathe. It was too difficult to tell exactly who was dead and who was dying, it was as if the Force itself couldn't handle the casualties.

Shortly after the first wave of deaths, sirens started to blare in the Temple. Ahsoka ran towards the front steps, willing to stop at nothing to defend the vulnerable Jedi inside. At this point in the war, only the very young and very old lived in the Jedi's sacred homes, and they faced no chance against the tide of white-armoured clones approaching.

Her brothers. Storming into the Temple with the intention of murdering every Jedi inside. She should've taken Rex more seriously when he warned her about Order 66.

It wasn't the fact that Rex's brothers were willing to kill every Jedi, including her, that hurt Ahsoka the most. It was the cloaked figure leading them up the steps.

Anakin stopped ten metres away from his old Padawan and waved a hand. She expected to be thrown against the nearest pillar, but nothing happened, "Out of my way, Ahsoka."

She wasn't a Padawan who mindlessly followed orders anymore. The newly appointed Knight activated her two lightsabers and got into an aggressive stance, using the hum of the blades to ground her. This was her home, and if Anakin wanted to destroy it, then he would have to destroy her first.

"Make me."

As the distance between them closed, Ahsoka knew that she didn't have the strength or heart to kill her old Master. Her hesitation allowed Anakin to score her right knee with his lightsaber, making her crumble to the floor in pain.

The Sith pointed the clones onwards, and only the helmets trimmed with 501st blue turned back to glance at Ahsoka before continuing their assault on the Jedi. Her two worlds were at war. Ahsoka watched with tears in her eyes before extending a hand.

Anakin was lifted off his feet and choked gasps escaped him as she squeezed his throat with an invisible grip. She could've killed him there and then, but part of her knew that he had purposefully only injured her.

She released him and stood up as he slumped to his knees, "You'll have to do better than that, Anakin."

Igniting her lightsabers once again, she pushed past the pain in her knee and charged. Just when she psyched herself up to end it all, Anakin activated his own lightsaber and turned to counterattack.

They locked in a deadly position with fires raging inside their souls; one fuelled by hatred and the other by grief. Although Anakin was standing in front of her, Ahsoka's Master was dead behind his yellow eyes.

"How could you allow this to happen, Anakin?!" She screamed as tears bled down her face, "You're better than this!"

He was her mentor, best friend and brother; yet he was a monster. His animalistic eyes stared straight into her soul and Ahsoka became dizzy from the overwhelming sense of the dark side.

"The Jedi have betrayed the Republic, Ahsoka, and the dark side has shown me that." He replied calmly as chaos surged around them, "You can give yourself to the dark side and we shall rule the galaxy together."

"Never!" Ahsoka was flooded by the memories of Mortis, where Anakin had saved her from the dark side. "I looked up to you, Anakin, and you've betrayed my trust!"

"The people I looked up to betrayed me as well!" He snarled; she could see the agony from years of abuse in his eyes. He used to be the Hero with no Fear, but now he was nothing more than a shell.

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