1000-yard stare

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Anakin would be lying if he said he wasn't worried.

Sure, Ahsoka was back at the Temple after being captured by Trandoshan hunters, but that didn't mean everything was okay.

Everything was very much not okay.

He watched from the side of the Council Chamber as she gave her report. She was covered in dirt, her clothes and skin torn in different places. There was an ugly bruise on her montral that was probably giving her a headache.

The other younglings she had managed to save were already in the Halls of Healing. The Cerean boy had apparently collapsed on the landing platform, and the other boy wasn't faring much better.

Granted, those children had been missing longer than Ahsoka, and hence their health was more of a concern, but Anakin didn't like how the Council had prioritised Ahsoka's report over at least a quick medical exam.

Based on what she was saying, Wasskah was hell.

She and the other younglings had been hunted like prey. They didn't stand a chance at fighting against the Trandoshans before Ahsoka arrived, they could only try to survive. Those who weren't Force-sensitive quickly perished.

Anakin couldn't help but plead in his mind that this would be over soon. Ahsoka needed some rest, she looked like she was about to collapse right where she was standing. He could tell in the way that she held her posture, she was exhausted.

Across the room stood Master Junifer, the head of the clans. The Zabrak woman was responsible for all younglings in the Temple, from the time they arrived until they became Padawans. She was a kind woman, and fiercely protective over the children in her care.

Learning that three younglings who had previously been MIA were actually being hunted by giant lizards probably wasn't easy for her to accept.

"That's my report, Masters," Ahsoka said at last, bowing respectfully.

Every eye in the room turned to the Council who would now question any parts of the report that required clarity.

Ahsoka casted him a glance as the Council organised themselves. Her eyes were dull, her shoulders slumped.

He needed to get her out of there.

"Padawan Tano," Master Windu addressed her, "You spoke of being in a group of four Force-sensitive younglings, but yet only returned with two other Jedi."

"Yes, Masters," she said, and Anakin felt her Force-signature quiver. "The fourth youngling was called Kalifa. She was killed by the Trandoshans whilst I was there."

Master Junifer's sharp intake of breath was all that could be heard.

Master Yoda nodded, signalling the meeting coming to a conclusion. "Thank you, young Padawan. Rest now, you should."

Ahsoka bowed again, and Anakin watched her body sway as she straightened. He immediately moved to her side as the Council began to murmur between themselves. They would probably arrange a memorial service for the girl who had been killed.

"Come on," he murmured, taking Ahsoka's elbow, "Let's get you down to medical."

"Anakin, if I may."

He resisted the urge to sigh, turning to Master Junifer and plastering a pleasant smile on his face. "Of course, Master."

The Zabrak took Ahsoka's shoulders, and he noticed his student was struggling to meet the woman's gaze.

"Thank you for what you did, Ahsoka." She told her firmly, "Your Master is very proud, as am I."

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