What's this? - Part 4

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The wound healed, and Ahsoka forgot about the scar on the back of her neck after Governor Roshti enlisted her help to rebuild Kiros after the colonists recovered from their experience. Well, they recovered from the physical wounds- she wasn't so sure about the mental ones.

Within a few weeks, their mission to Zygerria was nothing more than a memory. Sure, Obi-Wan moved more gingerly than normal- courtesy to some nerve damage- and Rex struggled to look any of his superiors in the eyes, but ultimately, they were moving on.

Or so Ahsoka thought until Master Windu gave them a mission in the lower levels of Coruscant.

"Intelligence suggests there is a slave trafficking black market operating beneath the Senate's nose. The Council is sending you two down to the Underworld to investigate." Windu commands them in the quietness of one of the Temple's corridors. Apparently, black market slavery didn't warrant the interest of a Council meeting.

"Do we have back-up?" Anakin asks, crossing his arms over his chest. Through their bond, Ahsoka can feel her Master tensing up, and the scar on the back of her neck itches.

"A Coruscant Guard squadron will be assisting you." Windu replies, looking bored.

"Seven troopers?" Ahsoka blurts out, "We're getting seven troopers to help us dismantle an underground slavery operation?"

Windu lowers his gaze to her, anger flashing through his eyes which is usually reserved for Anakin, "You're investigating only, Padawan. Seven troopers will be plenty."

She opens her mouth to protest, but before she can demand why Windu expected them to walk away from slave trafficking without doing anything to stop it, Anakin places a hand on her shoulder, "Calm down, Snips; we'll manage."

There's a note to his voice, a silent message that he isn't going to blindly agree to do what Windu ordered. Knowing Anakin, he isn't happy with investigating only either.

"You are too emotional, Tano," Windu says before he spins on his heel and walks away.

"Shabuir," she mutters, hoping he hears her.

"Hey, take a breath," Anakin prompts gently, and only then does Ahsoka realise she's shaking.

"How are you okay with that?" She asks, knocking his hand off her shoulder as they head towards the closest landing platform. "He wants us to go to the Underworld, witness slavery, and then come back without helping anybody?"

"Let's confirm if there is some sketchy business going on first, yeah?" Anakin says, "If there is slavery occurring on Coruscant, then we'll do something about it."

"Do what?" She looks up at her Master, noticing his steel gaze as they climb into the speeder. "We'll have seven clones for back-up, Master, and they aren't the 501st."

Through his tense expression, he manages a smile, "Trust me, Snips. I won't need the clones' help if I see something I don't like."


The joint Windu tips them to is smelly.

Ahsoka scrunches up her nose as they step inside the grungy bar, quickly being ushered to their seats because Windu took the liberty of making them undercover potential buyers.

"Stay close to me," Anakin says, his voice low.

Ahsoka's about to ask why he was so concerned, but then she remembers that she's a Togruta, and even with her cloak on, people are starting to notice- men, especially.

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