I never wanted to need someone

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After spending time as Hondo's prisoner, Ahsoka has a hard time returning to a sense of normality.


"They're all clear, General," Helix told him, handing Obi-Wan the datapad to sign so it was in print that all six Jedi younglings had been checked over by a medical officer. "Nothing more than some bumps and bruises."

"Thank you, Helix," Obi-Wan said sincerely, appreciating that caring for half a dozen children was not in his job description. It was by no means an easy task either. "I'll make sure Master Che knows."

"They're all up to date with their vaccinations now too," Helix added, taking back the datapad once Obi-Wan was finished, "The only person I haven't seen is Commander Tano. Any idea when she'll be stopping by?"

Obi-Wan was tempted to roll his eyes. It was no surprise that the Togruta hadn't visited the medbay in the three hours since they rescued her and the younglings.

"I'm afraid she takes after her Master in that regard," he sighed, sharing a knowing look with Helix. Anakin was always a terrible patient, especially when the medic-on-call wasn't from the 501st. Kix and Coric had learnt how to blackmail and manipulate him into receiving treatment, but other medics- understandably- weren't so confident.

"I'll see her shortly?" Helix said, lifting an eyebrow cautiously.

"I'll make sure of it," Obi-Wan promised, already getting his commlink out.

"What about these ankle-biters?" Helix nodded to the pile of sleeping younglings, so exhausted by their ordeal that they practically collapsed onto the worn sofa in the medbay office.

"They'll stay out of trouble for a while," Obi-Wan assured, looking at the group of children fondly. The Council had been calling him often with regards to their wellbeing. As much as the Order preached resisting attachment, they really did care for their young. "If they do get rowdy, I'm sure Cody can watch them."

The Commander was the first person he called on departing the medbay in search of Ahsoka, "Cody, come in."

It didn't take long for him to reply, "Go ahead, General."

"I'm looking for Ahsoka," Obi-Wan said, turning in the general direction of the mess hall. He figured he would start his search there. "She hasn't visited Helix yet. I was wondering if you've seen her?"

There was a short pause, "I thought she was with you, sir?"

"I haven't seen her since the hanger," Obi-Wan admitted, worry creeping into his voice.

"Do you want me to ask around? Maybe one of the guys has seen her?"

Obi-Wan stepped inside the mess. Ahsoka could usually stand out in a crowd of clones but there was no sight of orange skin or white and blue montrals in the busy canteen. He sighed, "I'll have a look. You might be getting called to Helix's aid to watch the little ones."

He could almost hear his Commander groan, but he hid it well, "Yes, sir. Cody out."

Obi-Wan smiled tightly to himself, taking the next turn to head towards the officer barracks. Ahsoka was no doubt as tired as the younglings and might've snuck into his quarters to get some rest- it wouldn't be the first time.

Though she saw the Resolute as her second home away from the Temple, Ahsoka often found unfamiliar starships disorientating, especially with her montrals being so sensitive. It wasn't entirely unlike her to find a quiet spot to hide away in instead of socialising with the men.

The closer he got, the heavier the dread felt in his stomach. Obi-Wan should've insisted that Ahsoka went straight to medical when they departed in the hanger. Hondo had certainly been leering at her before they managed to at last send him on his way. The Jedi knew what men like Hondo believed about young females of Ahsoka's species.

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