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プロローグ || prologue

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プロローグ || prologue


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VIBRATIONS FROM THE NEARBY CONCERT ECHOED ALONG WITH HIS HEARTBEAT. Ethereal, muffled voice revved their midnight race.

And it was distracting him.

Black heavens graced the beauty of the moon; nocturnal stars came of sorts, aligning to make a pattern of their own. Toman was drenched in the ever-changing atmosphere.

"No fucking way I'll let you win, Chifuyu." a blond with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head playfully growled, earning a simple laugh from Chifuyu.

Amidst the roaring engines did Toman find peace. The way the cool breeze brushed their skins as they raced against the wind was rather calming.

Still, his focus was placed solely on the singing voice.

Admiring cheers of fans from faraway reached their ears.

"WOOHOO! LET'S GO, [alias]!"

"WE LOVE YOU, [alias]!"

"MARRY ME, [alias]!"

"SHE'S SO PRETTY. Yes! Get it, girl!"

The loud chants piqued his interest, wondering how great the singer is to have such an enormous fanbase.

Halting on top of a somewhat tall hill, or their hangout zone, the azure-eyed boy fixed his blond tresses that were left in gentle disarray, combing his fingers through the soft strands of hair.

"I still win, Ken-chin." Mikey mocked the aforementioned.

And since the hill is their territory, the area was calm, to say the least. The high ground allowed them to watch the concert arena from afar.

Everyone eventually settled down; some began snacking on the food they brought, while some opted to simply relax.

At last, the light blue eyes of his connected with captivating [e/c] ones. Or perhaps it was only one-sided for the singer's face was projected to multiple humongous screens.

"Cute..." he whispered under his breath.

Loose [h/l] [h/c] locks floated as if she's underwater, gently swaying at her every movement, no matter how small it is.

From one step to another, and to another-each one of them was speaking unspoken words to him, lulling him.

The whole gang seemed to be focused all of a sudden too.

"I don't know her name but damn..."

"Idiot, didn't you hear? It's [alias]."

"It's taboo for Toman members to fall in love." their president jokingly said since he was obviously being a hypocrite and utterly evolving into a fan of her voice and charisma.

Whoever she is, he hears her voice like drugs, instantly making him addicted to every pleasing note that made its way to him.

"Everyone, I hope you're having a great night. Now, I have an announcement to make." the singer spoke into her microphone, earning even Toman's attention.

"All Shibuya residents are automatically registered to the raffle for the VIP ticket to be featured on my upcoming music video." she gulped, breathing in the oxygen her palpitating heart craves.

Yells laced with pure excitement reverberated.

"That girl serious? There are so many perverted delinquents here. It'd be funny if she gets one and they back down." Toman's third division captain elaborated.

"Hopefully they'll check the winner's background first." a boy with lavender irises added, caring for the stranger's safety.

Regardless of their discussion from hardly four feet away, Chifuyu's mind, however, was in another world.

His eyes were glued to the singer.

Unbeknownst to him, the corner of his lips began to lift itself. His soft lips parted slightly, and a light shade of peach blossomed on his cheeks.

Now he kind of gets why so many people are crazy for her.

Out of possibly a billion people, he's now one of them-only admiring this girl from afar like a barrier was separating her from them, and only the privileged can enter through.

"Chifuyu, you a fan?" Mikey raised a question.

Swiftly turning his head to Mikey who yanked him out of his reverie, he immediately cut off the eye contact. "What? Oh, I'm not."

"Shut up, you've been staring at her so much." someone with long black hair nudged Chifuyu a little too much. "You got a crush?"

"I just think her voice is nice." Chifuyu scratched the back of his neck, smiling along the way.

His heartbeat increased, passing the regular tempo.

The singer said, "Best wishes to the soon-to-be-winner!"

The singer said, "Best wishes to the soon-to-be-winner!"

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