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剳青 || tattoo

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剳青 || tattoo


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          A LAYER OF DEJECTION MASKED UPON HIS IRISES, NEVER WASHING OFF. Pupils dilated from melancholy as they mirrored the tablet's reflection.

Comments are posted by users from all around the world, some staying anonymous. Reading them is like listening to several people's opinions, therefore it would never be a fact unless stated so.

Knowing that [name] and Shion had a strong tie in the past and now only lingers like lost, broken threads stirred his feelings.

Obviously, he is aware that he can't compare himself to whatever the two celebrities had in the past, but envy of both their relationship and their current successful status crushed him.

Albeit [name] holds a grudge towards Shion, and Chifuyu is a close, trustworthy friend of hers, he's just a foolish, scared teenage boy, after all.

"By the way, you'll be discharged now so hurry and dress up, the car is waiting for us outside—it's parked somewhere and the guard is only letting it stay for a while. And Matsuno, go home, boy." Michiro and his assistant stood up as he retrieved the tablet from the [h/c]-haired girl.

"Mhm, okay." she nodded at her manager, gaze stumbling to Chifuyu who seemed to be ready to leave, too.

"What's up? Your car is waiting for you, Miss [alias]. See you at school." he chuckled, teasing her with his newfound secret before shuffling in his seat and stood up.

Lips parting slightly, it halted as her unspoken words were reluctant to take flight. She watched as Chifuyu, her manager, and another assistant leave altogether, hindering her initial plan to privately tell Chifuyu something.

Waiting for them to get out of the room, she mildly lifted the corners of her lips. And when the door finally shut close, she quickly sat up.

𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 | 𝘤. 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘰Where stories live. Discover now