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祭典 || schoolfest

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祭典 || schoolfest


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          EVERY BOLD HUE OVERWHELMED THEIR EYES. Abundant lights illuminated the active campus in the middle of the night.

Excited yells fused with cowardly ones came from the fair rides and a haunted house booth. Bustling students crowded the stalls, some come in groups, while some come as a couple.

Stepping back into his stance, Chifuyu pooled all of his strength into his fist before striking the punching bag of the boxing arcade. Uncontrollably fast, the red number raised, securing the newest high score.

"Show off." [name] playfully sneered at him while chewing a [candy] behind her mask.

Chifuyu walked close to her, discreetly whispering to her. "They were staring too much." he referred to the snob couple nearby.

"Nevermind, I'm actually glad you did that." she chuckled.

Soon after, she showed him her strips of tickets. "How many tickets do you have left? I want to use everything before the fireworks show at eight." she implied, considering that she also has an interview at nine.

"Same." he, too, lifted his tickets up where she could see.

Supposedly, Baji would hang out with Chifuyu and [name] on today's school fest, but Baji told them that he'd do something first.

Silently communicating, [name] tilted her head towards the DiscoPangPang ride's direction. Chifuyu did the same.
Their similar antics meshed so well together and now they're standing in the line, waiting for their turn.

"Psst, is that Baji? And Mikey? And his sister? And more of them—I think he brought the whole Toman." she snickered, pointing at them for Chifuyu.

"Really? Where?" he finally spotted them, so he cupped his hands around his mouth, amplifying his shout. "Oi, Baji-san!"

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