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失敗 || failure

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失敗 || failure

          ROUGH ROPE WRAPPED AROUND HER BRUISED WRISTS; being tied up did not only bind her arms' movements, but its tightness was digging through her now red skin

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          ROUGH ROPE WRAPPED AROUND HER BRUISED WRISTS; being tied up did not only bind her arms' movements, but its tightness was digging through her now red skin.

She slept through her numbing pain, although her slumber wasn't pleasant with the constant pressure and friction around her maimed wrist. Still, she'd trade pain for life anytime.

Vivid rays of sunlight seeped into her newly awoken eyes when Shion unfastened the window lock and opened a fraction of it; it stung—she had to blink the sudden pain away.

The window's an escape route, but he might be planning something while he waits for her to fall for the trap.

Even so, Shion paid her no mind and went to the kitchen, making unspecified noises that she couldn't discern. For all she knew, he could be cooking instant ramen or maybe brewing another fluid to inject her like a warlock practicing dark witchcraft.

The window's an escape route, and although he might be planning something, isn't he also planning something else worse the longer she stays in this damned room?

Sounds of Shion rummaging through the kitchen could be heard from her spot. Her eyes held sentry as she rolls over to the other side of the bed to take his phone from the bedside table.

[name] subconsciously cut off her breathing to concentrate on entering Chifuyu's phone number and type this apartment's location while her hands were still tied together.


By stepping on a little box like a ladder, she tugged the windowpane all the way open. A sense of fierceness leaked from her entire being whilst looking down where she'll land.

"[name]!" Shion dropped the bottles and syringe on the floor and sprinted towards her.

With one jump, her soles finally connected to the gray pavement with a heavy thud. Because of the adrenaline running through her veins, she failed to realize how she survived a fall from the two-story building with nothing but a minor scratch.

𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 | 𝘤. 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘰Where stories live. Discover now