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錠前 || locked


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          A MYRIAD OF BOOKS' SCENTS CIRCLED AROUND THE LIBRARY. The abode's warmth was slowly withering tonight, but relaxing, at the very least.

Supple finger grazed the surface of the paper, his index and thumb fishing beneath the current page to turn to another one.

His head tilted and rested on his left palm. Chifuyu was quietly reading a manga he borrowed and had been doing so for the past two hours.

Eyes started getting heavier; his head lolled. The dialogues drawn on the page flew right through his brain, not even absorbing what he just read.

Basking in drowsiness, he surrendered himself to the temptation of sleep. Blinking the tiredness away wasn't a cure anymore, thus, his consciousness gradually slipped.

"Hey." a whisper pulled him out of his sleep.

Azure irises came to view as he opens his eyes. The manga was left open on page two hundred twenty-four. A crumpled torn page lounged beside a trash can. One book from a shelf adjacent to him is misaligned. Blood smudged on his thumb from a paper cut.

Everything else stayed the same except for the temperature drop and the lights that are all off.

"How long was I asleep...?" he mumbled under his breath, enough for the stranger not to hear.

"Are you the storekeeper?" the stranger asked, making him compose himself as he switched his attention to her.

She's wearing a black face mask; perhaps she's sick?

"Oh, I'm not."

"...What?" Was it confusion? Surprise? He's not sure, but he knew that a sense of panic traced her word.

"Hm?" he tilted his head in confusion. "Do you need anything, Miss?"

Sighing heavily as the frustration became even more evident, she implored. "You got a phone?"

𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 | 𝘤. 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘰Where stories live. Discover now