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機長 || pilot

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機長 || pilot


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          DISTURBANCE PIERCED INTO THEIR HIBERNATING HEADS. It wasn't because their dreams have come to an end, rather, it was the interruption of the barbaric knocks from the police.

And knock did they do, again and again, practically waving a flag that told them to buckle up for what might come next.


"This is the police. I suggest you unlock the door before we force open this." louder and louder, eager and eager by the second, the footsteps of their fellow policemen hit against the soiled ground around the house.

"What are the police doing here?!" Peh whisper yelled and fell off the edge of the couch because a sleepy, unaware Mikey kicked him off, saying he was too loud.

"Idiot. They're probably here for [name]!" Mitsuya cursed, sighing heavily.

Heads turned from one face to another face, attempting to dig through their eyes in search of some kind of answer to what the hell is going on.

"There's no way I'm going back to my mother." [name] spoke out. With that, all empathized her state. It was obvious; the way she spoke of her mother in hatred told volumes to them.

Accordingly, Draken quickly unlocked the backdoor as quietly as possible. Mitsuya saw this and gently pulled [name]'s forearm towards the escape route while Chifuyu followed suit, refusing to leave her alone.

"We won't snitch!" Emma hugged her from the side which [name] returned.

Ripe sun hit their bare faces as they flew from the backdoor. Hums of the birds moved forth unhurriedly, so unlike to their hasty tiptoes. Survival nested within the back of their minds, urging them to run until they're somewhere far away.

Chifuyu's hand clung to the hem of her sweater to let her know that he's right behind her. Back there, an angry grandpa Sano confronted the disturbing
posse of policemen.

𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 | 𝘤. 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘰Where stories live. Discover now