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病気 || illness

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病気 || illness


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READING HER EYES WAS LIKE AN OPEN BOOK. Though her core motive for why she wants to rebel has become a torn page, not leaving any vestiges.

"I would like to, but is that even allowed?"

Humming with such an angelic voice, proving how great of a singer she is, she agreed with the boy's assumption. "Yeah, no. They're too strict with on me, that's why I'm trying to live normally."

Extending her hand across the table, Chifuyu shook it. Though she didn't let go of her grip, and instead pulled him up at that moment. This took him by surprise but eventually became familiar with her escapades.

Briskly sneaking towards the second door, their heads bent down. Luckily, no one saw them leave their table.

Once on the ground floor, they both crouched behind a table. "Shhh, they're not looking," she whispered to him, spectating her manager and the other bodyguards when Chifuyu gently pulled her head down near his shoulder.

"Yeah, but someone behind us just looked here," he uttered in a silvery tone, his breath fanning her head.

[name] snickered at her own idiocy, which made her look like a lunatic. "Oops—my senses are rusty right now. Let's go."

They managed to escape, slipping away from the surveillance. Albeit they didn't know if it was successful for they didn't bother looking back.

Heels clacked on the gray pavement, her strides were average but its pace was fast enough.

Fits of giggles erupted from the two, recollecting the fun of rebelling they underwent a minute ago.

They locked gazes, her [e/c] irises captivating him once again. It felt so unreal for Chifuyu to act so casually with a popular celebrity as if they had already met before.

𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 | 𝘤. 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘰Where stories live. Discover now