Chapter 3

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Lauren's P.O.V

I spent the rest of my school day thinking about the small brunette. It's not like I was obsessed with her or anything, but she was the only person I've been interested in talking to for years. Camila was the first person to make me feel something since the accident, which was a big deal.

I had never been the type to define my sexuality. The only real relationship I have ever been in was with a boy named Brad. That ended freshman year after the accident. It didn't end badly, but my constant silence and lack of emotion cause the relationship to fade, but Brad understood. I had never tried anything with a girl or even been interested in one, but something about Camila made me consider it.

My first 3 classes went by slowly due to my anticipation to see her, that is if she was even in the art room. I don't see why she would be considering the only reason I go in there is because I don't have any friends. Someone who looks like Camila must have made friends, even in the short time she had attended school here.

After the bell rang, I made my way to the art room like I usually due, hoping to see the girl working on something new. When I walking into the classroom and saw it empty, a felt a slight disappointment. I brushed it off quickly, and went to the corner of the room to gather the items I need to finally finish the painting I had been working on for weeks.

As I was setting up in my usual spot, I heard footsteps approach, but ignored them, assuming it was Ms. Trainor. I grabbed my brushes and walked to the area where my station was set up, but I was startled to see Camila already sitting in a chair right beside mine, as opposed to yesterday when she sat across the classroom. From this distance, I could see how smooth her skin was, and the way her eyelashes slightly curved at the tips, and especially her eyes. In this lighting I could see her eyes so much clearer. They weren't just brown as I had originally thought, but they contained hints of gold and amber in them too.

She hadn't said a word, but I felt a small spark of excitement in my heart at seeing the small girl.

We both worked on our paintings for a while until I heard a small voice.

"I'm sorry?" I choked out.
I hadn't heard what she said because I was shocked to hear her silky voice clearly for the first time.

"I said, you like mountains, huh?" She reiterated.

"Um, I guess so.." I replied with a confused tone in my voice.

"Your painting... It's of the mountains, right?" the soft voice said with a little less confidence.

I looked down at my painting, feeling like an idiot because I had momentarily forgotten what I was doing.

"Oh, yeah," I finally replied after the realization. "I kind of have an obsession with them, it's weird."

"I've never been to the mountains. I moved here from New York. As many places that I've lived I guess I probably should have been to the mountains, but I just haven't, I've always wanted to go though, it seems like it would be fun." Camila rambled on with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

I released a quiet chuckle before telling her that I usually go every summer because my family owns a cabin in the mountains around Atlanta.

She replied with a subtle nod, and we continued to work in silence for the rest of the lunch period.

After several minutes of silence, the bell rang to dismiss us. I waved goodbye to Camila before making my way to geometry, feeling giddy for the rest of the day.


After my last class ended I hurriedly ran to my car. It was pouring rain and I hated getting soaked by rain water, it made me feel sticky and gross. It rained often in Miami so I kept a towel in my car for days like this. When I reached my car and dried myself off, I put on my favorite album by The 1975, and began driving home.

I had barley made it out if the parking lot before I saw Camila's small figure wanting down the street... In the pouring rain. She was soaked and looked both annoyed and upset.

Before thinking about it, I slowed my car to match her walking pace and rolled down my window.

"Camila!" I yelled over the pounding of the rain on the roof of my car.

Startled by my loud yelling, she jumped before looking over at me.

"I can give you a ride if you'd like." I offered.

She seemed to think about the offer before politely declining, but I refused to let her walk home in this weather.

"Are you sure? It's really not a problem." I offered for the second time.

"It's seriously fine, but thank you" she declined again.

"Please Camila, I don't want you to get sick, and considering you're walking, your house can't be too far out of the way" I tried for the third time.

I didn't want to seem too overbearing, but I really wanted to make sure she got home safely, and I'd rather her not catch pneumonia in her first week in Florida.

She thought about it for a second and hesitated before she nodded and began to make her way to my car. I placed my towel in the passenger seat so that she could dry off a little, and began driving further down the street.

"So you just take a left and then my house is the fourth house on the right" Camila mumbled, fumbling with the seatbelt and becoming frustrated when it wouldn't cooperate.

I didn't reply but continued to drive to her house. The street was much longer than I expected, but not bothersome. It only gave me more time with the girl.
In the silence, I heard my favorite song come on, Fallingforyou.

"You like The 1975?" Camila inquired, talking about the song playing.

"They're actually my favorite band. This is my favorite song at the moment, it's just so powerful, you can almost feel his emotion while he's singing. I actually saw them live a few months ago, it was one of the best concerts I had been to in a while," I said "sorry, I'm rambling. I just love them a lot."

I saw a small smirk appear on her face.

"It's okay Lauren, I like them too."

I was relieved that I hadn't weirded her out with my fangirl speech. I never really talk to anyone anymore, especially about music, so when it comes out I have little filter.

For the rest of the ride we both stayed silent, listening to the album.

When we arrived at Camila's house, I realized how wealthy she must be. The house was a mansion. It had a multiple bushes lining the front of the house with flowers hanging from the porch, and a fenced in back yard; everything a cliche rich family would look for in a house.

"Wow" I gaped.

I was in awe of the house. Compared to my average house, this was luxurious.

Camila gathered her books and thanked me for the ride. As she walked to her house, I couldn't help but notice her impeccable figure. I needed to stop, this wasn't normal for me. I didn't get close to people, I didn't notice small things about people, I stayed to myself, and I intended to keep it that way.

Camila reached the shelter of her porch, gave a grateful wave, and mouthed a "thank you" before entering her house.

Feeling satisfied and a bit confused my my own actions, I made my way home, thoughts of Camila consuming my mind for the rest of the night.
Lmao Lauren is so cute. ANYWAY I hope you guys like this so far. I know it's going kind of slow right now but I promise things will start happening soon. (Oh yeah comment, vote, and share and stuff) 💕

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