Chapter 25

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Camila's P.O.V.

The nights became shorter and the days became colder but this was always my favorite time of the year. Thanksgiving passed as quickly as it came and I was excited to spend Christmas with my girlfriend.

After the night Lauren stayed at my house, there was no denying that we were meant to stay together. No one made me feel like she did and I never felt more complete than how I felt when I was with her. We were able to be 100% open and honest with each other after her confession that night, and I was able to help her through her bad habits. Of course Lauren still enjoyed going to Ally's parties and hanging out with her friends, but she would limit herself to one drink a night and kept me with her so that she could uphold that promise.

Christmas was coming soon and I had no idea what to get Lauren. I knew she loved music and reading and writing and basically anything that involved art...but I was lost as to what she would want. It's not that I didn't have the money to get her anything, because I had plenty, but what did she want?


I snapped out of the trance that I wasn't even aware I was in and looked at the source of the noise walking beside me. I had completely blanked out without even noticing and Lauren, who had stopped walking, had a worried look on her face.

"Where did you just go?" she asked, concerned.

"Oh I was just thinking about things." I replied, causing relief to wash over her face.

I took her hand and continued walking on the trail. We were exploring a nature trail that we found earlier and our conversation had turned to silence as I took in my view, I hadn't intended to completely blank out though.

"If you could have anything in the world...big or or expensive...what would it be?" I asked curiously.

"Oh I already have it." she shrugged.

"Oh well...what is it?" I asked confused. There had to be something she wanted that she didn't have right?

"You." she giggled cheekily and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes sarcastically. She was so fucking cute, but this was serious. Christmas was one of Lauren's favorite holidays and I wanted to make it special.

"It's true." she reiterated while pulling my beanie down to cover my ears.

"You're cute, Lauren." I said, giving in to her cheesy comment, "but thing. It could be anything. What would it be?"

She took a moment to think about my question, weighing out all of her options to pick the best choice.

"I don't really know. I guess if I could have one thing it would be the ability to never forget a moment yanno? Like if I could always remember how that tree looked with the sun shining through it," she pointed in the direction of the tree, "or if I could never forget how red that leaf looked against the green grass," she elaborated, "or if I could always had in my memory how beautiful you look right now, eyes glowing amber in the sun, cheeks rosy from the cold, the look in your eyes and how you're looking at me right now." she finished, stopping to stand in front of me.

She traced her finger down the line of my jaw, causing my breath to hitch in my throat at the contact. She leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on my lips before taking my hand and walking beside me again.

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