Chapter 6

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Camila's P.O.V

Finally arriving at the airport filled me with undeniable excitement. Although it had been only a little over a month since I saw Dinah and Austin, the longing to see them again only grew each day. I could not conceal my anticipation for their flight to arrive. The wait seemed endless.

Lauren still looked worried though. Every time I looked at the girl, her foot was tapping nervously against the airport floor, and her eyes were constantly glancing around the big room as if she was expecting someone to jump out at her at any second. I couldn't stand to see Lauren this way, and I would do anything to calm her nerves, but I didn't know her well enough yet to know how to calm her down. I attempted to comfort the girl by placing my hand on her shoulder and gently squeezing it. This seemed to calm the green eyed girl immensely and I was satisfied with her reaction.

She soon had a relaxed smile on her face that made me stare a little too long. What was I doing? Lauren was just intriguing, that's all. The way her eyes turned from green to gray depending on her mood, and her acne scars when she didn't bother covering it up, and how her eyes squinted up when she laughed...

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw my best friend Dinah trudging her bags across the airport floor. The tall girl looked irritated, probably from the long flight, but her annoyed expression evaporated when she saw me. I ran towards my best friend and in one quick motion I embraced her, wrapping my entire body around her torso. When I heard her bag fall to the ground, I released a giggle, and she did the same.
"Mila, you'" Dinah huffed out, not annoyed at all, but accepting of my affection, willingly reciprocating.

I released my hold on my friend and squealed with excitement before skipping over to my boyfriend who was trailing a significant distance behind Dinah. Austin was wearing a black t-shirt, baggy shorts, and his usual snap back. He had a smirk on his face and appeared to have just put his phone away. When the boy saw me, he immediately bit his lip, wrapped his arm around my waist, and kissed me. He quickly tried to deepen the kiss by shoving his tongue down my throat, but I pushed away lightly and grabbed his hand, leading him over to my other two friends. He looked a bit irritated that I didn't reciprocate his kiss, but I pulled him over to Dinah and Lauren without giving it a second thought.

The introduction wasn't awkward, but something seemed off with Lauren. She didn't look nervous anymore, but her faced showed a mixture of jealousy and surprise, almost to the point of anger. I didn't know what to make of it, and decided not to confront the green eyed girl about it. I just wanted to enjoy my birthday weekend with my friends.

Austin's face still feigned impatience, and I wanted to make it up to him for not giving him what he wanted when we met at the airport. Me and Austin had never done anything more than make out, but he had tried going further. I just respected myself enough to know when to stop. In the car ride home I cuddled up into his side for the majority of the ride. I wanted to talk to him, but he didn't seem like he was in the mood for conversation, so I just placed my head gently on his shoulder and waited for him to break the silence. He never did.


After hours of watching horror movies on my love seat, stuck to Austin's hip like glue, he got up and decided to go to bed earlier than the rest of us. He barely acknowledged my presence the entire night, and that bothered me. My boyfriend walked away without saying goodnight to Lauren or Dinah and hopped up the stairs with his face still buried in his phone, as it had been for the majority of the evening.

I found myself becoming curious about what he was doing in his phone. I had never been the clingy or nosey type, but I hadn't seen my boyfriend in over a month and he acted as if whatever was on his phone was more important than talking to me. I refused to ask him about it because it always upset Austin when I tried to get in his business, so I let him walk away without a word. But that didn't mean I wasn't worried. I had been cheated on before, and Austin had even admitted to me that he had never been in a committed relationship, but I thought I could be different for him. Maybe I was worrying too much, but I couldn't help myself.

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