Chapter 19

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Camila's P.O.V.

"Morning, Laur." I said to the girl lying beside me. Her eyes were just beginning to flutter open and her lips were forming into a small, sleepy smile.

"Morning, Camz." she breathed out sleepily, pulling me into her, "how'd you sleep?"

"I always sleep good when I'm with you." I replied, nuzzling my face into her neck.

"Well." she corrected.

"What?" I answered confused.

"Well. You sleep well, Camz. Not good." Lauren explained, chuckling to herself.

"Whatever. It's too early for this." I whined, allowing my breath to hit her neck.

Lauren propped herself on to her elbow beside me and gave a warm smile before pushing her body upwards so that she was hovering above me slightly.

"You're so fucking cute in the morning, Camz." she smiled, inching her face closer to mine with every syllable. By the time she was finished with her sentence, our noses were brushing.

I placed my hands on either side of her face and pulled her into me, eliminating the space between our lips. I felt Lauren smile into the kiss and moved my hand from its place on her cheek to her waist.

"I love you." I mumbled when we finally came up for air.

"I love you too." she smiled back at me, absentmindedly lacing our fingers together.

A shuffle came from across the room, causing both of us to direct our attention to the sleeping pair on my couch. Frankly, I had forgotten that they were even there until now. The two girls were draped across each other in a drunken mess, but they were still sound asleep.

"What were you planning on doing about that?" Lauren asked, motioning to the pair on the other side of the room.

"I have no idea. I had forgotten that they were there until now... What am I supposed to do?" I sighed.

"Just wait until they wake up and we can start there." she suggested before wrapping her arms around my hips from behind. My stomach fluttered at the contact and I interlocked our fingers.

"Okay can you guys talk quieter or just shut the fuck up." Dinah practically yelled from across the room, startling everyone in the room, including the previously sleeping Normani. Dinah was rubbing her temples in an attempt to get rid of the throbbing headache that she woke up with.

"Good morning to you too, Dinah." I smirked, trying to hold in a laugh that was fighting to escape my lips.

"Can you like, not talk so loud?" Dinah snapped, obviously not in the best mood due to her hangover.

"It's not our fault you got drunk." Lauren shot back protectively, raising her eyebrows.

By this time, Normani had been woken up by the commotion and was grumbling to herself. She was distraught, obviously unsure of the events of last night, and was trying to figure out where she was. I chuckled a little at the confused expression on her face until she realized what had happened.

"Shit." Normani finally expressed when she had taken in her surroundings.

"How did you two get back here anyway?" I asked curiously.

I realized that I hadn't actually seen anyone drop them off. As far as I knew they just showed up at my doorstep, and they sure as hell didn't walk here in their condition.

"Ally." they said in union.

"Ally?" I asked, unsure of who exactly they were talking about.

"Ally Hernandez." Normani explained, "she works with me."

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