Chapter 16

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Lauren's P.O.V.

Waking up to Camila was something I'm certain I'd never get used to. The way her face sat unmoving made her seem fragile, like the softest touch could awaken her instantly. I still couldn't believe that she was my girlfriend. She was finally mine.

Memories of the night before flashed through my mind. The cotton candy clouds, the picnic, the walk back, and even the things that occurred after that. When I realized what she had seen , I thought that Camila was going to be angry. I thought that she would be disgusted by me and want nothing to do with me, but the smaller girl responded with love. Her words surprised me, and even through my tears, she knew exactly what to say.

I glanced over at my phone for the first time since yesterday morning, looking at the time. It was almost noon, the latest I've slept in years, but I guess being with Camila sparked a sort of peace in me.

When I turned back around to face the smaller girl, her eyelids were fluttering open. I smiled at her, unable to suppress how I felt towards the girl.

"Why are you always awake before me?" she grumbled sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

"Maybe you should try waking up before noon. It's actually quite satisfying." I chuckled, not admitting that I had actually only woken up moments before.

"It's our last day here. I don't wan to leave, I want to live here with you forever. I don't want to have to go back to school and deal with all the judgmental people and school work. I just want to stay here with you." Camila confessed, reaching for my hand.

"Wow Camz, you are tired." I laughed out, unsure if I believe the girl's words or not.

"No I'm serious, Lauren. Everything is so much better here with you." she repeated.

I thought about this for a moment. I thought about what it would be like to be with Camila, and honestly, I couldn't picture myself with anyone else. I thought about how I would answer before I finally replied.

"I'd want to stay with you forever too." I answered honestly.

"So what do you want to do today?" she asked sleepily, cuddling into my side.

"Whatever you want... I mean you know this place better than I do. What is there to do?" I replied.

"Well actually, we've pretty much done everything there is to do here. We might as well just stay in...but that would be boring.." she stated, insecurity in her voice.

I didn't care if we stayed in all day to be honest. I loved being lazy just as much as I loved going out and doing stuff. Camila was obviously exhausted from the stress of yesterday in addition to the walk up the mountain and the...close sexual encounter...if that's what you want to call it.

"Camz, it won't be boring, we can stay here. I don't feel like getting ready anyway so a lazy day sounds nice. Plus we deserve it, we start school again on Monday." I assured her.

"Okay..." she said, still a bit unsure, "but I'm still making us breakfast...if cereal counts as breakfast." she smirked, causing me to laugh in response.

Unexpectedly, she grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the bed, quickly leading me to the kitchen where she grabbed two bowls, a box of Lucky Charms, and milk.

"Someone's eager for their daily dose of sugary cereal." I said, laughing at the smaller girl.

"Everyone should be. I mean Lucky Charms are magically delicious." she said dramatically, making a rainbow with her hands.

She set the table with the bowls and cereal and plopped down across the table from me. By the time I had poured the milk in my cereal, Camila was already finished with her first bowl and going for seconds.

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