Chapter 20

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Camila's P.O.V.

Everything was great, and then everything wasn't.

It had been two weeks since Dinah left for New York, and I felt Lauren drift away from me more and more each day. It's not like it was super noticeable at first, but the subtle changes in Lauren's behavior was all too familiar. I couldn't figure out exactly why she was doing it though.

First it was just the lack of physical contact; she never tried to hold my hand and kissing was rare, but I just assumed she wasn't feeling well. It was then that she started being short when we were texting; one word answers soon became something to look forward to, and that even became a rarity. Then eye contact stopped and the only form of communication we had were subtle smiles in the hallway...when she wasn't avoiding me. Lauren even avoided the art room as much as possible and chose to spend all of her lunch periods elsewhere.

To say the least, I was beyond confused. I wanted to give the girl her space, but I knew I needed to talk to Lauren about her sudden distance. I decided that I would give her a few more days to work whatever she had going on out, but then I would ask her about it.

It was Friday and I hadn't had a real conversation with my girlfriend in at least a week. Believe me, I was trying, but I didn't want to push my limits. I made the decision that I would try talking to Lauren again today. We usually ran into each other in between 6th and 7th period, so I was going to try and walk her to her class, and possibly figure out what was going on with her.

When I spotted the raven haired girl across the hallway, I pushed through the crowd of people to get to her.

"Hi, Lauren." I chirped, trying to sound as happy as possible.

"Hey." she answered, as if it was a burden to talk to me.

That hurt.

"How's your day been so far?" I smiled, not letting her detached tone phase me.

"It's been alright I guess." she whispered, eyes glued to the floor.

Two weeks. She had been doing this for two weeks, and despite my constant efforts, it didn't seem like she was trying at all. Honestly, it was becoming frustrating.

Lauren turned to go down a different hallway all too suddenly, not even telling me goodbye. I turned just as quickly, trailing behind the girl.

"Isn't your class the other way?" she raised her voice in annoyance.

"Isn't yours?" I shot back.

This was so unlike her. I knew where her class was and I knew she only turned to get away from me, and at this point, I wished I hadn't followed. I hated when my emotions got out of control, and the green eyed girl had more control over my emotions than I'd like to admit.

"I'm going to my locker." she dismissed, quickening her pace so that she was walking ahead of me.

I began walking faster so that I was beside her again.

"Lauren, what's going on?" I finally asked. I didn't want to bring this up right now, but frankly she set herself up for it.

"Camila," she stated firmly, stopping in the middle of the hallway and facing me, "I'm fine. You need to go to class. You're going to be late."

My eyes locked on hers and thought that I saw a flash of regret in her eyes, but it dissipated quickly. My eyes sunk to the floor in defeat and I turned away to go to my class. I felt the tears burning in my eyes before I could even try and stop them. Why was she being like this? This Lauren was just a mere shadow of the girl that I fell in love with, yet I had no desire to give up on her. There was obviously something deeper that was making her act like this, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it, no matter what I had to do.

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