Chapter 17

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I don't think there are enough words in the English language to express how much I dreaded this day. Monday's always kind of sucked, but the Monday after spring break was very close to unbearable. It was my senior year and I was pretty much tired of school and work and being stuck in this stupid ass town. The only reason I would even consider staying here is because of Camila, and on the car ride back from the mountains, the two of us had ranted about getting out of Florida as soon as we could after graduation.

As I walked into my school with heavy eyes, I dreaded the eight hours I knew I would have to spend there. The only thing I was looking forward to today was seeing Camila. It was our first day at school as an official couple and I was interested to know how or if she would handle things differently in school. I walked to my locker alone as usual and gathered by books for my first three classes. I was clumsily stuffing them in my book bag when I felt a pair of hands grip my waist playfully. I turned my body quickly, facing the culprit. I felt a smile creep up on my face when I saw my girlfriend standing behind me, a goofy smile on her face also.

"Good morning, babe." Camila said, her smile never dissipating.

"It is now." I answered cheesily, zipping up my book bag and tossing it across my shoulder.

Moments later, I felt Camila's hand grip by back and she pressed her lips against mine confidently. Although I missed the sweet sensation of her lips against mine, I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with the blatant PDA just yet. I felt multiple pairs of eyes on us, so I pushed against Camila's stomach lightly, disconnecting our lips in the process.

"Not here, babe. People are staring." I explained, making eye contact with a few passerby's who were turning their heads to stare at us.

"So? I'm not embarrassing myself." she whined, pouting and crossing her arms like a four year old child who didn't get what they wanted.

Despite my feigned irritation, Camila looked adorable and there was no way I could resist those big, brown eyes. I grabbed the shoulder straps of the smaller girl's book bag and gave her a quick peck on the lips before turning to shut my locker door.

"Okay, fine. But nothing to draw attention to ourselves. My brother and sister don't know about us yet and I don't want them finding out from a bunch of assholes at school. I'm not saying we have to ignore each other, but don't plan on slamming me against a locker and making out with me any time soon." I gave in with a smirk.

"No promises." she stated seriously.

I gave her a look of complete disbelief, but when she looked at me and erupted into a fit of giggles, I knew that she was merely joking.

"I'm only kidding, Lauren. But is holding your hand considered PDA too?" Camila inquired hesitantly.

Holding hands had to be okay right? I mean I saw other girl that were just friends hold hands in the hallway all the time. No one would make assumptions about us, especially considering my social status at school.

I answered Camila's question by taking her hand in my own and linking our fingers together easily. Camila sighed contently and we continued strolling to our first period class. After I had dropped Camila off at her designated destination and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, I quickened my pace, unsure if I was going to be able to make it to my class before the tardy bell rang. Thankfully, I managed to step into the already filled room with only seconds to spare. I sat in my usual seat in the back of the room, not attracting the attention of anyone in particular.

I reminisced over the past week with Camila all through my first three classes. I was zoned out all through World History, Math, and Honors Biology, my mind focusing on some of my favorite moments and replaying them in my head over and over. I was oblivious to the fact that each one of these memories brought a smile to my face. Waking up to Camila, being able to kiss Camila whenever I please, cotton candy skies, her decision to finally ask me to be her girlfriend; each memory distracted me from the never ending lectures that flowed from the mouths of my teachers.

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