Chapter 21

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Camila's P.O.V.

It took hours for me to be able to sleep last night, and when it finally came to me, it wasn't for long. I woke up to the sound of my front door slamming, and it wasn't until I saw my empty bed and realized that I was on the couch that the memories came flooding back. I wiped my eyes of the sticky tears that remained on my face from the previous night, but it wasn't long until the tears returned.

Lauren had cheated on me with whoever this Brad guy was, and the worst part was that she didn't even bother to stay and explain herself. She'd just left me alone in my room, just like every other guy I had ever dated; every other person I'd ever cared about. It was an endless cycle, but I still wasn't ready to give up on Lauren because I knew there were underlying problems causing her behavior.

I did what I always did when I had a problem; I called my best friend. But for the first time since I had met Dinah, she was at a loss for words.

"I-I don't know what to tell you, Mila." Dinah stuttered, clearly as shocked by the situation as I was, "I guess you're going to have to find a way to talk to her...I mean you can't just leave it like this. She hurt you, and I know that, but I have a feeling it wasn't intentional. She's protecting herself I'm sure, I just don't know what from? This is tough."

"The thing is I've tried fucking talking to her, Dinah. She won't listen! She practically runs every time she sees me and when I try to confront her she makes me feel crazy, she makes me feel like it's my fault."

I was finally releasing some of the anger that I had built up over the past few weeks. Of course I didn't mean to let it out on Dinah, but she understood. She had been cheated on so she knew how much it sucked, and she knew my anger wasn't aimed towards her.

"Just take a deep breath, Camila. I know you're hurting right now and I know you're confused, but everything will sort itself out. Even if you and Lauren don't end up together in the end, you'll at least get an explanation. I know Lauren loves you and is probably beating herself up right now, just give it a little time." Dinah concluded, giving a soft smile.

What she was saying made sense, but I still could help but feel like I had done something to trigger Lauren's sudden behavior. I will admit that it was comforting to know that she was at least drunk when she cheated, and that she came to me after, so I guess I was on her mind, but I was still overwhelmingly upset about it. I didn't even know who Brad was. I mean, I knew they had dated in the past, but I didn't know they were still in touch.

"Thanks, Dinah. I guess I'll let you know what happens. Sorry for throwing all of this on you all of the sudden, I just didn't even know what to think you know?" I said, and I felt the stinging in my eyes begin to return again.

"Hang in there, Mila. And don't give up on your girl. If she really meant to cheat on you, she wouldn't have ended up at your house." she comforted.

"Bye, Dinah. I love you." I whispered, forcing a smile.

And then I was left alone with my thoughts once again.

Lauren's P.O.V.

My head hurt, but my heart hurt worse. Needless to say I felt like shit for what I did to Camila. I honesty barely remembered anything that happened last night, but I put the pieces together.

I woke up in Camila's bed, but she was sleeping on the couch. My lipstick was smeared off of my lips, and I could see traces of it on Camila's, where she had failed to wipe it off. The worst thing I found was the text from Brad. As soon as I had read it, I knew what happened.

Before I stopped drinking we always did the same thing: we'd get drunk and make out, and often some other things, but I never went all the way. During that time we were dating though, so it didn't seem like a big deal. This time, we weren't dating, and I loved someone else, but it still happened and that's all that mattered.

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