Chapter 5

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Lauren's P.O.V

I didn't mean to invite Camila to the brew, I really didn't, but a part of me is glad I did. It gave me an excuse to get dressed up for the first time in months, which I feel like is significant progress from a while ago when I literally couldn't get out of bed because I hated myself so much. Not much has changed in that area, but the fact that I was making efforts and branching out surprised me.

When I got home I took a quick shower and searched through my closet to find something that would make me look somewhat presentable. I usually dressed casually, wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but I didn't want to meet Camila's friends looking like a hobo.
I finally settled on a blue crop top and my high waisted jeans. My mother always said that blue made my eyes even more green than they already were.

When I finally was satisfied with my outfit, I put on makeup. Instead of only applying concealer and mascara, I added foundation, a bit of blush, and eyeliner to top it off. I added a small amount of perfume before looking in the mirror, somewhat satisfied.


I arrived at Camila's house at the set time and knocked on her door. I stood there for a few minutes before she finally opened the door. The girl looked flawless, but that wasn't unusual for Camila.

Just looking at the girl made me nervous. Knowing she was about to hear me perform made me nervous. The first song I had planned for my set showed an extremely vulnerable side of me, and that made me nervous. Inside I was a nervous wreck, but outside I tried to hold myself together as best as I could.

I was still lost in thought when I realized neither of us had said a word to each other. I felt my face flush hot and heard Camila give a quiet apology, for reasons I wasn't quite sure of, before we made our way to my car.

We arrived to The Brew a few minutes later and were greeted by the usual employees, Normani and Ally. After ordering our drinks and talking for a while, I finally found the courage to go on stage and perform.

My fingers flowed along the keys of the piano with skill as I sang the lyrics to the first song. The lyrics that brought back so many memories. Memories of the accident. Tears burned in my eyes and I knew I couldn't let them fall, well at least not here. I managed to make it through the song without crying, but only by mere luck.

The rest of the performance went by easily, I sang popular songs that everyone could sing along to. The few people in the shop sang along with each other and drank their drinks, while others ignored the performance entirely.

I saw the brown eyed girl looking at me in a trance for the entire performance. I couldn't read her facial expression and I didn't know if she was enjoying it or wanted to get out of here.

My question was answered after I left the stage and walked back to Camila. She showered me with compliments about my voice and my performance and I didn't know how to respond. When she was finished with her speech about my singing, she gave me a quick, unexpected hug.

For her it was just a friendly hug, but for me it sent sparks through my entire body. The hug lasted only a few seconds, but I felt how perfectly her body fit with mine and smelled her coconut shampoo.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head because they were crossing the boundaries of a platonic friendship, which is what this was right? I didn't even know if she thought about girls in that way, much less someone as messed up as me.

I guided her out of the small shop and we began our ride to pick up Camila's friends. Camila and I sang our hearts out to an Arctic Monkeys song, which called my nerves for a while, but once we arrived at the airport I felt my nerves kick in.

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