Chapter 24

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I expected her to walk away like that, but what I wasn't expecting was for her to ask me to come back.

After I dropped Camila off I went home, but I didn't go to sleep. My thoughts were racing in my head making it almost impossible to sleep. I couldn't decide what I was feeling tonight.

Was I mad at her? I mean kind of, but not really if I was being honest.

Did I feel sorry for her? It was my fault that she was like this now.

Was I still in love with her? Of course.

As soon as I was able to admit that to myself the better off I was. I knew that I still loved her, but until tonight I had ignored it. There was something special about Camila. She wasn't like normal girls, she was different. Her childlike innocence made her extremely appealing, but somehow she was intellectual and mature. She was honest and she held her own opinions about topics, but she wasn't the type to just hop on the band wagon, she created her own opinions because she was smart. She had been through shit, and people treated her like she was nothing and that wasn't fair to her. I was determined to show her that I was different, but I had failed so far.

I decided right then that I would change...if only I had decided that a few months ago it wouldn't be as hard.

It was then, at 2:36 am, that my phone rang, startling me. I jumped before grabbing the device, but what I saw on the screen shocked me into utter silence.

It was Camila.

I hesitated before I fumbled to answer the call.

"Camila?" I answered, my voice strained from a mixture of tears and exhaustion.

"Please come back." I heard he small voice plead.

Come back? Did she have the wrong number? I thought I was going crazy, she couldn't possibly be talking to me...she hated me less than two hours ago.

"What?" I replied. My mind was racing.

"Please, just come back. I need you." she begged, pain obvious in her voice.

"I'll be there soon." I whispered, not wanting to wake anyone in my house. I wasn't going to wait for her to change her mind.

At that point I was in no mood to question Camila's motives. She needed me and I intended to be there for anything she needed me for.

I pulled on a jacket and some jeans before running out to my car to drive to Camila's house. I was there in less than 10 minutes and my heart was still racing from hearing the sound of her voice. What could possibly be so wrong that she wanted me to come back?

When I finally got up to her doorstep, the door was basically flung open by an obviously distressed Camila. Her face was stained with tear streaks and her hair was still partially stuck to her face from where she had been crying, but she still looked beautiful. She looked the type of beautiful that hurt, and I wanted to do nothing more than to take her in my arms and comfort her, but I wasn't going to risk that right now.

I hadn't realized that we had literally been staring at each other for the past minute until I snapped out of my trace and finally looked the girl in the eyes. It was then that she unexpectedly pulled me into her and kissed me. Her lips still tasted salty from her tears, but simply being that close to Camila again my my head spin. It wasn't that I wasn't enjoying the kiss, but I knew that she was only kissing me because she was overwhelmed and it seemed right to her in the moment; she wasn't ready for this yet, so I pulled away.

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