Chapter 2

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Camila's P.O.V

When my dad told me that we were moving I was beyond furious. It's not like I wasn't used to moving by now but this was the second half of my senior year. I would literally know nobody when I graduate. I had been at this school for 3 years and I thought we were finally settling down, but of course they had to transfer my dad for the 6th time since I began kindergarten.

I was not emotionally prepared to lose the friends I had made over the years here, especially my best friend Dinah and my boyfriend Austin. We had been dating for around 6 months now and Dinah and I had been friends since the first day I moved here.

To say I was nervous for the move would be an understatement. I have always had a problem with new places, and my new school was halfway across the country in Florida. Miami actually. I enjoyed the beach, but I preferred winter because I am obsessed with the image of cold, foggy days. I guess that image is going straight down the toilet now.

The only thing I was looking forward to was the fact that my new school had an art program, unlike my current school. I'm not very good at art, but it's something that makes me happy.

My first few classes went by slowly, not a word was said to me, as expected, and I just sat and listened to the teachers lecture over all of the shit I haven't learned yet. I never liked school, especially chemistry, but I tried my best and maintained B's throughout high school.

After 3rd period, I had lunch and I decided to spend my lunch period in the room with my new art teacher instead of having to experience the all too familiar awkward feeling of "the first lunch" at a new school.

While I was talking to Ms. Trainor about my schedule, I heard someone approach from behind. She seemed hurried, but Ms. Trainor stopped her to introduce us. Her name was Lauren and she was beautiful. Not the type of beautiful you see on T.V., but a deep down beautiful that shines from the inside. Her eyes were breathtaking and her skin a perfect porcelain. I couldn't deny that I was jealous.

After our brief introduction, we both say at different areas of the room and worked on our paintings. I was trying to focus on my painting of Butterfly Queen 1 and 2 for my baby sister, but my thoughts were getting the best of me. Lauren sparked a curiosity in my and there were so many questions I wanted to ask.

"How old are you?"
"Why do you stay here for lunch?"
"What are you painting?"

All of the questions were making my head spin, and of course I refrained from asking any of them.

Eventually the bell rand for me to go to 4th period, but before I could leave the room, I heard a smooth voice speak.
It was Lauren. She was making fun of my painting, but not the mean type, it was more of a friendly joke, but that didn't change how embarrassed I was.
I hurried to tell her that it was a painting for my little sister, and she then went on to say that it was "cute," which humored me for some reason.

Before I could ask what classes she had next, she was out the door. The rest of the day went by and I didn't see Lauren again. She was the only one that wasn't a teacher who talked to me all day.

Despite the fact that we only exchanged a few words, I wanted to see her again. I couldn't wait until the next day, and maybe this time I would have the decency to actually say something.
Okay so I promise the chapters will get longer soon, but I'm just getting this thing started and I don't really know what I'm doing. Ily all. 💗✨

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