Chapter 23

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Camila's P.O.V.

You know, it's kind of hard completely ignoring someone you're in love with. Especially when you know they want to talk to you...I guess that's why these passed few months had been the worst months of my life.

I knew that if I talked to Lauren, even gave her the time of day, I would give in; I would drown in her bright green eyes and I wouldn't be giving myself the respect I deserved, so I simply acted like she didn't exist. I didn't look at her, I didn't speak to her, I didn't so much as glance in her direction for a full three months, but God, I couldn't get her out of my head.

By the third month I was ready to give up, but I knew at this point she would be pissed at me. I was to the point where I didn't care what I did. I didn't care if I failed classes, I didn't care if I smoked, I didn't care if I drank, and two out of the three actually crossed my mind over the course of these terribly heart breaking months. It wasn't until this Friday night that I actually did one if them.

I decided that I was going to go to one of Ally's parties, hell, they were my friends too, and if Lauren was there then fuck it, she'd probably be too drunk to recognize me anyway, and I planned on getting just as wasted, if not more.

I wanted to try Lauren's way of coping because it seemed to be working just fine for her; all I did was sit around and be sad about things, and that had to change or I'd go crazy.

I put on my best outfit, attempting to make myself look as appealing as possible for the night. Although Ally and I were still close, I was nervous she wouldn't let me into the party. She was closer to Lauren, and everyone knew it. What if she didn't want me there? Maybe I was just over thinking, but whatever, I was going to this party whether Lauren, Ally, or Normani liked it or not.

When the door to Ally's house swung open, I was met by a surprised looking Troy.

"Camila?" he asked, as if surprised to see me.

"Troy?" I answered, equally as stumped to see him answer the door, "is Ally here?"

"No. Her and Normani had to cover for someone at work so they were running late, but they will be here soon. What are you doing here?" he inquired, genuinely not believing I was here for a party.

"What do you think I'm here for idiot? I want a drink." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Well alright..." he smirked, moving out of the doorway and allowing me in. It's about time someone treated me my age and not like some broken little girl.

I pushed through the already crowded house to the kitchen where I assumed I'd find the drinks, although I wasn't sure because I had never actually been to one of Ally's parties, I've just heard of them. To my relief, the kitchen counter was covered in solo cups and shot glasses. I wasn't all that experienced in the ways of alcohol, so I just took the first think that looked good and downed half of it immediately. It wasn't long before I felt the fuzziness set in.

After what may have been the third cup...or maybe the 6th, who knew at this point, I was completely gone. I couldn't see clearly and my body felt completely out of my control, but one thing was for sure: I wasn't thinking about Lauren.

That is until she showed up.

She was furious...but I didn't understand why. She was yelling at me; I think she wanted me to leave. Why did she want me to leave? Some time between all the commotion, she was dragging me up the stairs. She just looked so angry and I just want to kiss her. I just wanted her in every way a person could want another person, or was that just the drunk me talking?

Either way I draped my body around hers.

"I want to sleep with you." I insisted flirtatiously, obviously under the influence.

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