Chapter 3

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As Amelia sat alone in the dining room she could still hear the two men arguing. She was left with the man named Red, who talked to her about pack life. He told her the alphas name was Kyle, and agreed that he shouldn't be in that role.

"But no one dares tell him that." He said.

Betas did half of the job alphas did, and were there to mainly make sure everyone stayed in line. This was why Amelia was so confused when Aston spoke so poorly of Kyle, a beta holds his loyalty to his alpha.

Although Amelia hadn't lived in a pack for long, she still understood the workings of one. In her old pack she was the daughter of an omega, an outsider. Her father was one of the lowest members of the pack, making her lower than that. Her father had died in a pack war, leaving her alone. They weren't mean to her, but they didn't care about her.

Every pack had rules, and the most important one for all of them was not to hurt other pack members. It was this that kept her from years of torment. Sure, she looked for others like her, she searched the whole state, but found no one. So Amelia found friends for herself with the humans. Years ago she had given up the chance of finding her other half, she was thankful Aston found her.

"So you two are connected?" Red asked her, she sheepishly nodded.

"As soon as I met him, we both know." Amelia smiled. "Honestly I was worried he'd rejected me."

"He's a completely different person at the school," he assured. "He has to be, a lot of the kids here go to that college. If he let them walk over him there then everyone would know something was up." He explained.

"Man if Kaylee knew any of this, she'd go nuts." She laughed.

"There's another?" He asked, hopefully. She shook her head.

"Kaylee is human." He gasped.

"You're friends with a human?" He asked. "I figured your pack would have taught you better than that" she blushed.

"M-my pack abandoned me when I was 8." Amelia whispered.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "That explains it then."

"Why can't I have human friends?" She asked.

"Watch, don't interfere. It's one of the mottos for every pack. You should've known from birth." He said, eying her. "Don't let Kyle hear about you having a human friend." He warned.

"After hearing that, I don't think I'll be friends with her much longer. Plus I have a pack now," she smiled. He grinned, thankful that she was already accepting it. "We've been growing apart anyway."

"It's fate." He said. She nodded.

Aston and Kyle were now yelling at each other, loud enough for them to hear it. Red grabbed her arm, and pulled her to the side of the room.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"If those two are yelling, somethings gonna get broken." He warned. And he was right.

"I can do whatever the heck I want!" She heard Kyle scream.

"She's mine!" Amelia heard Aston snarling at him.

"She's my mate!" He cried. "You're lying about her being yours!" He pouted like a child.

Amelia gasped. She'd never heard of someone refusing to accept the bond is real.

"I'll rip your throat out!" Aston snarled. Amelia could hear him fighting his wolf, struggling to keep him contained.

Amelia pressed herself harder into the wall, she knew a fight was about to break out.

A few seconds later Kyle was flying through the dining room door into the table, Aston looked completely different.

She was able to see him fighting the urge to change. Kyle remained unmoving on the table now in pieces below him. He ran to him, grabbing him by his throat.

"She's mine!" He growled at him. His face was hard, but slowly he accepted his defeat.

"What happens now?" Amelia asked him. Astor had let her join him in his room, since it was getting so late.

"He's accepted you into the pack, and that you're my mate, but I have a feeling it's not over." He sighed, plopping himself onto the bed. Amelia rubbed his back, soaking in his words.

"What about the school? Isn't it against school policy?" She asked. He sighed.

"Luckily for us, Red works for HR. He will keep it out of the humans hands." He said. "We can't show it at the school, but outside of school we can be as lovey dovey as we want." He chuckled. Amelia smiled, rubbing his back.

"We hardly know each other," she laughed. "We've only just met."

"Yeah, but you have no idea how long I have been waiting for you." He smiled, she blushed. "You're still young, but I'm almost 95, I'm ready for that stage of my life."

"I understand," she looked down, suddenly embarrassed by the age gap. "I'm only 25." He grabbed her face with his finger, bringing it up to him.

"You know we can live for hundreds of years right," he laughed. She blushed.

"I wouldn't know, no one has ever explained that to me." She bit her lip. It definitely explains a lot, she thought to herself. "Most people in my old pack lived to 50, we warred with each other a lot. Then they eventually killed each other off. They left to find other packs."

"Well, we like to keep the peace, or at least I do." He smiled, letting her go. "I still have to call King Joshua to see who leads the coven in this area."

"C-coven?" She gasped. "L-like vampires?" He nodded.

"Love, you have no idea how many other species are out there." He said, smiling. Then his smile faded, concern took over, and his brow furrowed. "Who was your old alpha? I might know him."

"When I was 8 the alpha's name was Michael Esborow." She replied. He looked down, saddened. "Do you know anything about them.

"Unfortunately." He nodded. "They were completely wiped out shortly after they left you. They found our pack. We tried to make peace with them, but they only wanted to fight. We had no choice but to kill them."


"Tomorrow I will get you in touch with Katrina if you'd like, she was one of the few who didn't want to fight."

"Katrina Williams?" She asked, excited. He nodded. Joy overwhelmed her, Amelia remembered her well. "She was one of the few who were nice to me." She smiled.

"Well, we should probably get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." He smiled, pulling her so she would lay down next to him. He took a chance and kissed her gently, making her blush.

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