Chapter 5

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Aston was happy to get a break from classes. He'd already had his days full of horribly written papers and snide whispers. It was one unfortunate draw back of being someone like him in a college, you could hear everything.

When Luke walked in, Aston was surprised how much he had changed. He cut his hair to be more modern, and looked like he had finally gotten a good nights sleep. He warmly greeted him, ready to get caught up on all the events in his world. He made sure the door was closed to avoid any prying ears.

"Luke, old friend." Aston smiled. "I hope your world has not given you too hard of a time."

"No," Luke laughed. "Josh finally took over all responsibilities. He's actually planning on making a trip over here with his wife soon!"

"Surely not for my sake," he laughed.

"No, there's been some trouble with the coven nearby. Nothing he can't handle." He assured. "So what brings the call? Not that I mind hearing from an old friend."

Aston looked wearily at him, the sleepless nights were getting to him and he knew Luke could tell. He sighed.

"Well, Luke. I actually wanted to ask you about the Baku." He said. Luke's face went rigid.

"Who told you about them?" He asked.

"The seer did when I spoke to her with Sam." He said, shaking his leg nervously. "She said that the lake was just the beginning." Luke leaned forward, sighing heavily. He ran his hand through his hair before looking back up at Aston.

"I wish you would've told me sooner." He said. "But the Baku are basically dream eaters of Japanese mythology."

"Surely that can't be all." Aston said.

"For humans, yes. For us, they're much worse." Luke leaned back in his chair. "They are like demons. Dark spirits, angered by those who've wronged them." He paused, glancing down to the floor. "When the lycans destroyed the nymphs all those years ago, they accidentally released these... Baku. It was the reason for most of your kinds destruction."

"Then why have we only seen the few?" Aston asked. Only thirty six had been found back at the lake, one was responsible for the deaths of sixteen students at his old school.

No matter how hard he tried, he could never forget those eyes.

"When the spirits are appeased, they return back into good spirits. Weak or evil spirits are the most easily turned, that's why that Jake kid turned into one first. Apparently he was the most evil creature in the area." Luke sounded surprised. Aston noticed how when he spoke of him he avoided eye contact.

"But I haven't heard of any more turnings since then." Aston said.

"You shouldn't." He said. "Sam and Tristan have been running around the whole freaking country making sure everyone is happy."

"So that's what those two lovebirds are doing," Aston laughed. Luke nodded.

"Aston," he sighed. "The problem with Baku is that they tend to spawn around darkness."

"I understand, but right now things are peaceful here."

"No they're not." Luke said rapidly. "That coven, they've been warring with themselves lately. And I recently heard about your little fight with Kyle."

"Kyles just jealous, I found my mate and now he's mad." Aston rolled his eyes.

"Jealousy can easily turn to envy, Aston. I'm happy you found your mate, but you need to tread carefully. The last thing we need is a Baku that is an alpha." He said. Aston sighed, he really didn't need to think about that, but he knew Luke was right.

"How do these things possess people?" He asked.

"Well, first it's small. They're called dream eaters for a reason." Luke explained. "They eat the good dreams, leaving only the nightmares. Then they'll call to them, make them think that they're hearing things. Weaken them down until they're nothing but a scared and empty shell. That's when they take over."

Aston shivered, he remembered the one time he saw Jake before the incident. He had looked like he hadn't had a good nights sleep in ages. He bit his lip, thoughtfully.

"Can it be stopped before it takes possession?" He asked.

"Sometimes, but usually it would take a very large act. And to me it sounds like Kyle has been having sleepless nights for awhile." Aston nodded.

"What if he is stripped of his title?" Aston asked.

"That will definitely send him over the edge." Luke said, "but if he's not an alpha he'll be easier to kill. The weakest a Baku is happens to be the first 24 hours of its possession. That's why Jake was caught so easily the first time."

"How's things otherwise?" Aston asked, wanting to change the subject. "Josh wants to help introduce me to the other creatures in the area. I'd like to start making preparations for peace treaties as soon as possible."

"I think we should wait until the coven is under control, but I do know a few elves here. They like to hide in Angeles National Forest."

"Still forest dwellers? I'm surprised to hear that they're so close to the city." Aston said.

"There are hardly any forest spirits here anymore." Luke explained. "They've taken over as protectors until they return. Humans have driven the spirits away with their stupidity."

"Of course," Aston laughed. "I'd love to see them come back though. Maybe I can help with some of the environmental agencies here. I know someone who's great with politics."

"That might help. But I'll set up the meeting with the Elves, and let you know when it's safe to meet the coven." Luke said, standing up. Aston shook his hand.

"Thanks for the talk old friend," he said. "We'll have to meet more often."

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