Chapter 14

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"Well, well, well," Aston snapped his head as a voice spoke smoothly. "Perhaps we came at a bad time?"

"Did Luke tell you to come?" Astor asked. He knew he had to fight the urge to growl, they had crossed the border without his permission.

"Not yet, but he will." The voice said. Standing before Astor, three tall men stood observing the field before them. They all looked the same to him. Blonde hair, blue eyes, pointed ears. Their faces looked slightly different from each other; one pointed with his long hair tied back in a braid, one oval with his long hair half pulled up, and one round with his long hair left unnaturally straight.

"Rohan." The braided man said to the first speaker, his eyes glossed over. "The wolves battled each other. The one who lays before you is the alpha and Luna. She sustained injuries from a head on collision from their top three fighters."

The man with straight hair tisked, he was the first speaker. "Unfair advantage, don't you think?"

"She fought with honor." Aston growled. "She had to prove herself to be Luna."

"So barbaric." Rohan said. "Aldon," he called to the one with hair half put up. "Do you think they are honorable?"

"Aye, Rohan. She fought with much valor." Aldon said. "I have seen her battle in the forests with the baran and centav. She is as graceful as she is deadly."

Rohan pursed his lips, considering his words.

"We seek to make peace with you." He said. "We have watched as you care for all life. Your mate values our ways as well."

"Is that truly why you came with two others?" Aston asked. Rohan laughed.

"Of course not. We heard there was a new alpha." He said. "We also have heard from our brothers in the middle. They told us how you protected their own. Standing strong against the old alpha."

Aston just nodded.

"We come to break bread with you." Aldon said. "We are thankful for protecting our kind." He bowed to Aston, surprising him.

Elves were proud creatures, they never bowed to anyone. Aldon bowing to Aston and his mate proved to him that they had honorable intentions. Aston stood tall, bowing in return to show respect.

Amelia whimpered next to him, she had fallen to sleep from exhaustion. He sighed.

"I would love nothing more than to share a meal with you, however my mate cannot shift. We cannot move from this spot until tomorrow." Aston said.

"If you'll allow, Alpha," Rohan said. "We are able to break bread here. Aldon is a healer, he may be able to help your mate." Aston looked at the cautiously, but nodded.

He'd seen the elven magic first hand. He knew that they could be trusted. To elves, breaking bread was an old ceremony. A blood oath of sorts, that promised good intentions.

Amelia's cries tore Aston apart. It was his own fault that she was there.

The elves had made good on their promise. He'd eaten with them before and knew they did not eat meat. Even his wolf had grown to accept the meal, although he wanted the thrill of a fresh kill.

Never take more than what is needed, give the rest back to nature. He'd always warned his pack of taking more than what was necessary. They were only allowed to hunt male deer, rabbits and squirrels that had been ripened into old age. This kept their populations strong, and kept the spirits at ease.

What surprised him was that the elves seemed to follow this rule as well.

"This is the circle of life," Rohan said. They all nodded in agreement.

Aldon had healed his mate enough for her to shift back and move around normals, although she did not want to shift. If the two had it their way, they'd remain wolves forever.

"So, now that we have made peace. We ask your opinion on the current situation about the humans." Rohan said. "They've begun to destroy the forests, their populations have grown to great and I fear that soon darkness will fall."

Aston... he had been hearing that voice call to him for awhile now.

"I understand. The darkness tries to seduce me." Aston said. The elves stared at him in shock.

"We have already lost three to the darkness..." the third man they've come to call Bolin said.

"We recently lost our old alpha." Aston said with sorrow. "I know I am strong enough to resist, but my pack I am not so sure. They whisper their doubt when they think no one listens."

"What have you tried to repel it?" Rohan asked. Aston sighed.

"Before Kyle fell," Aston said. "We had three who were beginning to fall. We gave them comfort, and corrected their weaknesses. It seemed to have kept the darkness at bay."

"You don't seem so confident anymore." Balin said.

"When I took over, I could sense many of my pack beginning to doubt my Luna." Aston said. "That's why I had her battle so viscously today. If they could see her take down two of my best fighters, their faith in her would strengthen. I was successful, but I will not know for a few days."

"What?" Amelia asked. "We're those all rigged?" Pain hid behind her eyes.

"I would never do that to you." Aston nuzzled her head. "All the fights were won fair and square." She seemed to brighten. It seemed that she did not know her own strength.

He chuckled as she nuzzled closer into him, growling playfully. He smelled, surprised by her arousal. She was busy in her own thoughts, fighting with her wolf.

"Oh," Aldon said. "I forgot that the magic I used on your mate has a side effect." Balin nearly choked on his food, snorting. Aston was surprised, he'd never seen an elf act so... human before.

"What is this side effect?" Aston asked.

"It strengthens the bond of a wolf. You will notice you two will now share a deeper connection." He replied.

"Deeper connection how?"

"I think the term you'd use is 'duck like there is no tomorrow?'" Balin said. Aston stared at him wide eyed.

"So you're saying, that we will want to please each other more?" He asked. Aldon sighed.

"You know how in fairytales the mate bond creates sparks, you feel each other's emotions, and you can read each other's mind?" He asked. Aston nodded. "This is where the fairytales come from. Elven magic turns the bond into a spiritual connection."

"Sounds interesting." Aston said. "Reading minds you say?" He nodded.

Aston closed his eyes, and focused. He reached out to her with his mind.

Oh my goodness I cannot believe he just touched my butt! Should I tell him that I like it?

Please child. You should have fucked him a long time ago.

If Aston was in his human form, he would be blushing. So he reached out again, this time trying to convey a message.

Can I touch your butt again?

Amelia yipped with freight.

"Why did I hear your voice in my head?!" She cried. Aston just chuckled. He'd have a lot of fun with this.

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