Chapter 11

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*semi-mature scene*

Amelia awoke the next day to Aston still asleep next to her. Like a badge of honor, she took this new role seriously. She'd been at the bottom of her pack forever, and knew it would take a lot of trust for her new pack to trust her.

As long as I don't mess this up, she thought to herself.

Amelia knew Aston would need to get up soon. They had a very long day ahead and needed to get at it as early as possible. She glanced at the clock: 5:32AM.

Begrudgingly, she tapped Aston on his chest, rubbing it to gently let him wake. But he wouldn't wake up. He was still trapped in the makings of dreamland. She chuckled to herself, she thought he looked cute when he slept. She bit her lip.

Should I? This early?

She decided it was time. In most mate-ships that she heard of the two were supposed to mate almost immediately. Her core was craving him, her body knew it would only grow. She started tracing the abs on his naked stomach, rolling her finger down and down until it reached the hem of his pants. She bit her lip, letting her finger slide under them and tugging gently.

He let out a low growl, but was clearly still asleep. His body was reacting to his touch. She traced the lining of his pants again, bringing her lips to his skin. She heard him moan softly as she traced his abs down with her mouth, playfully tugging on his jeans with her teeth. She ran her hand over his member, feeling it respond quickly.

Another moan escaped him and he bucked his hips against her hand. She playfully growled. She slid her hand down to his member, feeling it erect in her hand. She gasped at its size. She'd never been with a boy like this before, she had no reason to. Before Aston, she had no attraction towards anyone ever.

His eyes fluttered open, a smile curled onto his lips.

"Are you going to finish what you started?" He growled. She sat back up and removed her hand, a smirk played on her lips.

"Later, we have a long day ahead and we need to get going." Amelia teased, he groaned.

"We have a little time." He grinned devilishly.

They'd had their moment briefly, and Amelia decided it was best to hurry. As they walked out the front door she tied her long hair in a quick ponytail, her tight shorts were making him groan. She smiled as she could feel that her teasing this morning kept him trapped to her side.

She knew they'd have to do a check in with the boarder patrol first, and she wanted to make a good impression. She followed his advice and let him do the talking, studying so that she would be able to do it too one day.

The walk to the border was a short one, Aston had made sure that if someone came through their front gates, that he'd be able to run there quickly if they needed help. As they approached, she felt Astons grip on her tighten.

"What we are doing first is something we call rounds," he explained. "We start at the border, then we walk around the entire pack territory to see if anyone needs any help. This is mainly a public show that we care about them, a lot of times people are afraid to come to the Alpha or his beta because they don't want to bother them, so this gives them the opportunity to become comfortable with you, and builds mutual respect and trust."

Amelia nodded. The four men at the gate bowed respectively, Aston acknowledged them with a nod.

"Devon, Amelia." He used his head to point to the man standing with his arms crossed in front of the group. Amelia knew that he was the head of the guard.

"Luna." Devon acknowledged with a small nod.

"How's the border this morning?" Aston asked him.

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