Chapter 10

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They waited until every pack member was present. Because of the size of the pack, they had to escape into the gardens outside. Aston had personally picked up Amelia, and had finally returned when everyone came together. She gasped as she realized the pack members that she saw paled in comparison to the size. She couldn't even imagine moving this many people such a long distance.

No wonder it took them almost a year... she thought to herself. But she knew this moment wasn't about her, it was about Aston. She recognized many of them, but was surprised when she saw Mr. Williams from her school. She only knew him as the mythology professor. She couldn't recognize the scent, but she knew he wasn't a lycan like they were.

"Hello my little werewolf," he greeted. She suppressed a growl, she always hated that term.

"You know I'm not a werewolf right? Werewolves are half human beasts that walk around in two legs and can only change in specific circumstances." She said. He smiled.

"Thank god. Finally a millennial who hasn't been dissuaded by popular culture." He clapped his hands. "Praise the spirits! You should keep this one, Aston." He said to him. "She's actually intelligent." Amelia blushed.

"Luke, meet Amelia. Amelia, Luke. He used to be the vampire king." Aston said, smirking at the look on his face.

"Just because I passed down my title does not mean I still can't rough you up like old times." His eyes flashed red for a brief moment.

Duly noted, don't bring up his old title, she told herself.

"Is everyone here?" Aston asked him. She noticed that Luke was carrying a scotch glass with him, but it contained a red liquid she knew all too well to be blood. He would take a slip from it occasionally.

"Yes," he rolled his eyes over dramatically. "We've been waiting for days for you two to get here now get on with it!" Aston grinned, and pulled Amelia close to him.

"Very well," he half bowed. "Ladies and gentlemen!" He cried, his voice boomed over the chatter of the crowd and they all simmered down.

Aston sighed, she moved her hand to his back. She could sense that he needed her just as much as she needed him. "Alpha Kyle has been exiled." As if on cue the pack erupted once again in a thunderous outcry. Aston quieted them once again.

"Now I know everyone is scared," he said. "But King William has declared me alpha. Last night Kyle lost to me in a Kat Kai." Once again the crowd murmured. To Amelia, everyone was a little too happy at this news. "My Luna is Amelia, my mate." He growled possessively.

All eyes were on her, she felt an on slot of nervousness spring up, but she quickly pushed it back down. She knew she had to be confident, they could smell fear. The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, to be quieted by Luke whom they all seemed to fear respectively. Aston nodded to Luke, giving him the floor.

"These are not times to be afraid," he assured. "Dark creatures are coming and we must be vigilant. They feed on weakness and anger, your old alpha has unfortunately been showing signs of possession." Everyone started to talk over him. Amelia was becoming frustrated, in her old pack they never spoke out unless directly addressed. Especially during a pack meeting.

"Are we safe?" She heard a few say.

"Can we really trust a vampire?"

"Is the new Luna really best?"

"If Kyle can be possessed so can we."

"I heard her old pack abandoned her."

Amelia was quickly loosing control. With a power she's never felt before, she let a very loud and deep growl escape her lips. Everyone fell silent, surprised.

"You are not in danger, yet," Amelia shouted. It had seem she found her voice. "We will protect you. But you must have control of your emotions or you will fall into the darkness. From what I have heard, Kyle has been fighting this darkness for years. It broke him down because he let his emotions control his actions." She could've sworn she saw Aston's lips curl into a smile, she had never been this confident before.

"She is right!" Aston cried. "So as of now we have an open door policy. It is time this pack started accepting that we all have emotions. Red is now your beta. Kelly is now your gamma. Kelly has accepted the responsibility of acting as a counselor. Obviously 500 people is a lot to talk to, so we will be starting trials soon for other positions. If you are interested, please write your name down on this roster." Aston held the roster in his hand and set it down on a nearby table. "As always, remain vigilant." Aston nodded, dismissing the meeting.

Amelia turned to Aston, surprised. "I've never seen a pack this big before," she laughed.

"You did beautifully." He told her. "But I must explain to you the workings of this new pack."

"Now?" She asked.

"Preferably." He said. He suddenly looked so much older. She could see why he had taken over role as alpha instead of anyone else. Amelia could tell that he only cared for the pack.

"The pack comes first." She smiled, instantly he brightened. He took her hand in his and kissed it.

"I knew you'd make a great Luna." He smiled.

Aston dragged Amelia into the small dining room. She was surprised to see that a new table had already taken place of the old one. They sat down next to each other. Amelia realized that in front of him were a few papers, surly paperwork he was working on before the whole situation exploded.

"Tomorrow we will be having battles. You will need to be there to show everyone your strength in battle. Will that be a problem?" Aston asked her.

"I haven't fought with another lycan ever, but I have faced a pack of wolves before." Amelia shuddered. She was ashamed of the memory of their duel. They played dirty, but she still won.

"Good." Aston said. "Now we will need to choose five deltas, like mini alphas who answer to us."

Amelia and Aston talked all night, he'd called the school for her so she would be dismissed for all classes. Every lycan at the college was dismissed for the day.

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