Chapter 19

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*mature scene*

Amelia was able to help Aston begin preparations for the school before the bon fire. They'd already decided the pack house would be the best place for it. Most of the rooms were empty and large enough to hold an adequate number of students. Their biggest problem, however, was making sure there were enough teachers for each student.

Red agreed to begin training for the older pups, they needed to be ready in case a war began. Aldon would teach them about their health and sciences, while a delta named Allan helped Rohan teach history. All in all, they had two teachers for every 40 students. Amelia agreed to help Aston teach English.

When they were finally alone, Aston couldn't help but wrap his arms around her. She looked so beautiful and their distance was hurting them both. She giggled as he pecked kisses on her cheek.

"How'd I get so lucky?" She asked.

"I could say the same thing." He smiled. She turned in his arms, facing him.

She bit her lip, and slowly closed the distance until her lips brushed against his. Their tongues wrestled in a passionate embrace. He leaned forward, keeping her steady with his hand. She felt his hands slowly sliding down until they grasped firmly on her butt.

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He growled as she bit his lip. He took the kiss a step further, tracing his lips down her neck. She moaned as he suckled on her skin. She unintentionally grinded against him as she felt a sudden warmth in her core.

"A-Aston..." she moaned. He grazed his teeth against her skin, loving the sensation of her shivering beneath him. He was battling for dominance with himself, wanting to do dark deeds with her. He smiled as she moaned when he traced her side up to her breasts, firmly grasping them in his hand. She pulled herself up on his hips, he moved his hands back down to hold her.

He pressed himself against her as he slammed her into a wall. She moaned louder, feeling the tent in his pants. He couldn't control himself any longer, his teeth elongated, her breathing hitched, as he sunk his fangs deep into her neck.

He barely missed her jugular vein as his teeth sunk deeper. Pain mixed with pleasure flowed through them as their bond was further strengthened. She gasped in shock, and he retreated his teeth as he realized what he had done.

"I-I'm sorry..." he whispered, letting her down. She pressed her hand to her neck, seeing the blood flow. He quickly searched for a rag and handed it to her. "I-I don't know what came over me..." he said.

"It's okay..." Amelia said. "Fairytales right?"
He couldn't understand why she was so calm, he had just taken a chunk of her skin out. It was healing over a lot faster than he imagined it should, and wondered if something was wrong.

"We don't heal that fast." He whispered. The flesh which was missing quickly healed over itself, revealing a dark scar in the shape of a 'V,' two distinct marks were deep where his canines had sunken in. He was still in shock, horrified that he'd just done something so primal.

"Why did you bite me?" She asked. Aston put his hands on his head.

"I-I don't know," he said. "I don't know why I did that. It was like I wasn't in control."

Amelia could sense that he was distressed, so she crawled up to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I've heard stories," she whispered, bringing his face to meet hers. "Stories about a bond between mates that is stronger than death itself. Do you wanna hear that story?"

Aston nodded, he needed to get his mind off of it. So she continued. "There was a young man who fell in love with a very sick woman. They were both madly in love, but the other men of the village wanted her as well. He was jealous when they'd look at her, so he fought them all. Then one day, death came knocking at her door. He didn't want to lose her, so he marked her. His scent mixed with hers, theirs souls intwined, and death was unable to recognize her anymore.

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