Chapter 16

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Aston had managed to convince the vampire king and elves to make their way down. Since the spirits arrived on the border, they refused to let anyone leave. Aston had to assure everyone that they were not harmful, and that they were trying to protect them from something.

The sudden change in events remained unclear to Aston, but he knew that he had the spirits on his side. Amelia even had admitted to feeling happier with them here. She'd experienced these spirits for herself when she was alone in the forest, but never interacted with them personally.

Aston decided to make his visit to the border to help ease the other pack members while Amelia remained with them. Luke had arrived that morning, the spirits letting him pass, and he was teaching the pack members about the creatures that they were dealing with. Aston noticed that they could sense the good or evil in the beings.

As Aston approached the border, he recognized Devon and Elijah running towards him.

"Sir, the elves have arrived." Devon said.

"Let them through." Aston said. Devon turned backwards to the elves and nodded. They gracefully walked through the border, shuddering as they entered.

A notoriously dark member who'd been struggling with containing the darkness was allowed to pass to leave, but he was not permitted to return. When he tried the bests attacked him, causing the border patrol to try and stop them. Red had heeded my orders though, he commanded them to stop. Members voiced their outcry, they had not been around these beings before.

It was not until one of the soldiers ran out to collect the young wolf's body that they believed. He did not try to attack them, unlike their fallen brother, and they let him pass. He reported a feeling of peace come upon him, he felt happy.

Aston sent all of the wolves he knew had been troubled by the darkness to be separated from the rest of the pack. The last thing he needed was for it to re-emerge and spread. Their orders were to wait until the others arrived, Aston hoped that this would all be over soon. He had classes to teach, and he knew he wanted nothing but to be with Amelia.

"Greetings," Aston said. "Unfortunate we have to meet in such circumstances but as I'm sure you can tell things have gotten strange in the past few days."

"I agree, as much as I like you I was hoping to at least be gone a week before we met again." Rohan said.

"Honestly I was hoping our next meeting would be on your land. I understand that prefer to have the home advantage." Aston said.

"As was I," he replied. "But from what I can see no one is allowed to leave."

"Would you happen to know why?" Aston asked.

"Balin might know. His gift is sight." Aston had heard of this Elvin magic before. The gift of sight was common among elves, but protected enough that few declared to have it. The elf would be able to see the past of wherever they were, and are also able to see light and dark spirits. It was coveted because in the past elven lords used it as an excuse to slaughter their enemies. Aston could not deny it was a useful gift, easily able to tell if someone lied. Rohan called Balin over.

"Balin, have you yet learned why the spirits won't let them leave?" He asked him.

"The spirits are protecting them. It appears that they will start its battle soon and do not was the other species to interfere. Reports are coming from all over, the same thing is happening as far as Summerset." He looked pale, but his words struck.

Aston understood now. They had waited until everyone was within the borders before they blocked the path. He felt the elves understood as well, because when they tried to return they were suddenly blocked by a large buck. It stood dominating over Rohan, refusing to let him leave.

Astor got his phone out quickly, and dialed Josh's number.

"Hey, we are almost at your border." His voice rang on the line.

"TURN AROUND." Aston practically screamed. "The spirits are about to start their attack and are refusing to let anyone leave, even the elves!"

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"They're blocking all the homesteads. I bet they arrived at your coven just after you left." Aston said.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. If the elves and fairies are already there, then I need to be there as well." He said.

The fairies are here?

"Joshua." Aston said sternly. "They are killing everyone who they see has the darkness inside of them." The line went silent for a moment.

"Do you think Ashley will be okay?" He asked.

Ashley was Josh's wife, the vampire king's wife. Aston remembered ten years ago when Sam had told him she didn't have a presence. When she met her, she wasn't human, she wasn't vampire, she wasn't anything. This was something he only had confided in Luke. He was worried that he would have to tell him, if he let the darkness into his heart then he would be an impossible force to fight against.

"I don't know Josh," Aston said. "Do not let darkness blind you, but it is your decision to make." He heard a shaky breath on the other line, followed by the swearing of his guard.

"What is happening?" Rohan asked him, Aston ignored him.

"Joshua?" He asked.

"Do not attack them!" Aston heard Josh cry. A thunderous roar of hooves could be heard in the distance, slowly coming closer.

He froze, he felt helpless as he heard the cries of vampires readying themselves for a battle. He could not see it, but in his head he could.

He saw Joshua with a phone to his ear, ordering his men to stop. His guards stood firm, weapons ready to defend their leader and friend. The spirits run towards them, ready to attack.

"Thank you, Aston." He whispered. "I will not forget what you have taught me."

Aston's heart broke as he heard the screams of death surround his old student. He wanted more than anything to run to him, to save them. A tear escaped his eye as he heard the familiar voice of the child he spent so long with.

"Goodbye... old friend."

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