Chapter 15

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It had been a long day for the duo. After the elves left the pair had been trying to get some alone time, but were distracted by everyone fighting for information on the elves.

The pair retreated to the office, hoping to be alone, when Red and Max walked in.

"What is it now?" Aston asked, annoyed. The two had to be apart at the school, and they could feel the separation in their hearts as their bond strengthened. Aston had snapped at a student who tried to flirt with him, and he sent her away crying.

Amelia had nearly gotten herself expelled when a fellow student tried to touch her butt. Aston had felt it, and unfortunately he was meeting with the dean at the time. He had felt the anger rising within himself, and had to be excused.

Now that they were back at the pack house, neglected daily duties threatened to escalate the couple to turning on their own friends. Ironically, however, since the pair had strengthened their bond the darkness that called to Aston had stopped.

Reports had come throughout the entire pack of their members having the same effect. Aston was not sure, however, if it was because of Amelia's ferocious fight or because of the bond strengthening.

"Sir, the border patrol reported unusual activity." Red said. "They said that they saw these weird glowing animals."

"Sir I think my report is more urgent." Max interrupted. "Sector one residents are dancing sir."

"How is that urgent?" Aston asked.

"They won't stop. We've tried everything. They just keep spinning around."

"How long has this been happening?" Amelia asked.

"They've been going on for three hours now sir." Max said.

Red looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but Aston knew immediately they were all connected. He needed to meet with the vampires and elves as soon as possible.

"Red," Aston said. "Make sure you tell them to stand down. Do not make any contact. If they try to cross, do nothing. Believe me when I say you do not want to attack under any circumstances." Red nodded cautiously, but ran to meet the border patrol. "Max, I need you to gather everyone in that sector. They're possessed by fairies."

"Fairies?" He snorted, but Aston glared at him.

"Yes. Sprinkle salt on the entrances and windows, whoever the imposter is will try to run and you'll know who it is. They cannot cross a salt line." He replied.

Max stared at him in disbelief, but nodded and left. Amelia took the chance to lock the door.

"Care to explain?" She asked. Aston ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"I have to call the vampire king first." He said. I was hoping to wait a little bit, but I need to gather the races. It seems that nature has decided to make its move."

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