Chapter 18

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"How are you okay with this?" Aston asked Amelia as she helped cook for the 1,000 residents of the pack. The forest had provided them with plenty of meat, although they knew that they would have to cut down considerably to make the game last.

"I'm not okay with it." Amelia said as she cut up potatoes. "But I don't really have a lot of options to choose from."

"We could fight." He suggested.

"We would loose more people than is needed. We don't need a repeat of the lycan war." She said adamantly. Aston knew she was right. He'd spent his whole life trying to protect the forest around him, but felt like it was all in vain. He sighed.

"I feel powerless." He admitted shamefully. Amelia stopped cutting to wrap her arms around him.

"I understand that you're upset. We all are. But right now we need to focus on keeping people away from the border and keeping things as normal as possible." She said. He smiled.

"You are a great Luna." He whispered, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. She gave him one last hug, and let go.

"I need you to put aside your differences and talk with all the leaders." She said, returning to her browning potatoes. "You should take the deltas with you so they can talk to their people. Most are going to need some help, they haven't dealt with something this big before. You're going to need Kelly and Red to help spread the word."

"I don't even know what I'm going to say." He bit his lip.

"You'll think of something." She smiled. "You've been leading this pack for 15 years from what I've heard. The people already trust you." Aston took a deep breath, suddenly filled with nervousness.

"Right," he smiled. "I'll get the meeting set up. What time do you think everything will be ready?" He asked. Amelia looked around to the mass of pack members rushing around the tiny kitchen.

"We will keep some of the meat raw in case people decide they want to eat in their wolf forms, so I'd say 6:30." She said confidently. Astor ran his hand through his hair, Amelia looking at him sympathetically. "After the feast, I'd suggest taking everyone on a pack run. They'll need to stretch their legs." He nodded, bit his lip, and walked out of the kitchen to leave them in peace.

Astor pulled out his phone to send a group message telling everyone to meet in the community hall. He decided to take the time he had to set up tables and chairs in the massive room. He would need to make sure later to check on the bonfire later, the only space large enough to hold everyone was close to the border. His greatest fear was that a wolf would decide to try and prove himself by taking on one of the spirits.

As the tables came together, others began to help him get ready for the meeting. Luke and his son helped to set up the chairs and talk under their breath, while the elves played with their magic. The fairies seemed dedicated to helping as much as possible and they decided to control pack members into doing their work for them.

"Queen Adoline," Aston scolded her. "You cannot control pack members to work for you. Rohan! Please refrain from using your destruction magic to clear the dirt off the floor, there's a broom in the closet."

Aston felt like he was scolding his younger brothers for using their abilities for meaningless tasks. It was their way to work hard for their lives, and even though they weren't part of his pack, he still felt protective over them.

Soon the meeting was able to begin. Aston took his seat at the head of the table along with Josh, Rohan and Adoline while the rest of them sat further down. They made a 'U' with the tables so everyone could see each other and no one felt superior to another. Josh began the dealings with a treaty between each other, to ensure that no harm would come to another while they were there.

"Should we be worried about the vampires drinking our blood?" Red asked him.

"Luke and I are capable of surviving on the blood of animals, and we only need to drink once a week." Josh assured. They all heard a sudden sigh of relief escape the lips of the deltas.

"What about us? The forest can only provide so much." Rohan asked.

"If we remain in our wolf forms we won't need to eat as much." Aston said. "600 deer lasts us about a month. And I suspect that the spirits will make sure we can eat."

"So we are going to stay shifted?" Max asked.

"It is still optional, but it is the best choice. And I know most of the pack members will be okay running around the forests. It's the children I worry about." Aston said. "I'm mainly worried that they will try to cross the border."

"We will need to keep them busy, I think if they learn why the spirits are here then they'll be more accepting." Rohan suggested.

"I agree." Adoline said.

"Perhaps continuing their schooling here would help?" Luke suggested.

"I agree." Aston said. "Normalcy, even if it isn't perfect, would help ease them."

"Most of us are teachers," Josh said. "Luke teaches mythology, I taught mathematics, and Rohan is very knowledgeable about world studies." Aston nodded.

"Most of our students are college level." Aston said. "It will be difficult but I can work with Amelia on setting things up."

"Amelia already has her plate full," Kelly said. "She's helping at the gardens, the kitchens, and making sure everyone is staying busy." Aston knew this, but he was hoping someone would bring it up.

"I can help at the gardens," Adoline said. "I love growing all sorts of fruits and vegetables!" She gleamed. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"And Bolin is an excellent cook," Rohan said. "He is already used to cooking for hundreds of people." Aston agreed. The less that was on her plate, the more time they could spend together.

"Agreed." Aston said. "And speaking of hundreds of people, I will need Kelly to direct the pack warriors to guard the border. We will need to double patrols to make sure no one leaves."

"The pack might see that as an infringement on their freedoms." Red said. Others nodded in agreement.

"Tonight at the pack feast we will explain to them why it is so important that we do not leave." Aston said. "Deltas, I will need you guys to tell your wolves that they must all remain inside. If they try to leave they will not be permitted to return by the spirits."

Aston gathered his breath as the others began to whisper silently to each other. He took Amelia's words into his hands and knew that it would be best to repeat them. He stood up, leaning on the plastic table before him.

"Fellow lycans." He said. "The last thing we need is a repeat of the lycan war. Our whole race was nearly annihilated because these spirits are not easily killed. We don't want them dead either. Without the spirits, there is nothing to stop the darkness from coming. Then surly everyone will die. Even the baby which grows in Warrior Sasha's belly will not be spared."

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