Chapter 7

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Aston had finally made it back from the college when Red finally confronted him about Kyle. Amelia decided to stay at the dorm for the night, already needing to catch up on some homework. Aston had received a call earlier in the day from one of the girls parents rightfully concerned about the alphas abuse of power.

He was furious that Kyle remained adamant about his mate hood, but Aston was trying to be as reasonable as he could. They agreed to have a pack meeting without him, knowing that he could charge in at any moment furious. Word had spread quickly throughout the pack, and they all agreed on one thing. That Kyle tried to assault them. This was a blatant violation of pack law, and the fact that the alpha was the assailant made the matter much worse.

"We must contact the council." Max demanded.

"We can't, the vampire king is a little busy at the moment, and the elves are still repairing the broken spirits in Rocky Mount." Aston said. "Besides, this is a pack matter."

They all agreed quickly, but still knew something must be done.

"He tried to hit my little girl!" The mom, Ariel, screamed.

"Thankfully Red was there!" Another member said.

"What are we going to do?!" Ariel cried.

"I don't know," Aston said. "I do know that mates are becoming more and more common though."

"But one girl can't have two mates." Kelly argued. He was right, the whole point of mates was for two people who had a connection.

"He's abandoned our way of life!" A voice cried.

"He's abandoned the pack!"

"The pack comes first!"

"Did you see his eyes earlier?"

"What are we going to do?!"

"Enough!" Aston commanded, the room fell silent. "One at a time, what happened today. Who saw him first?"

"I did, Aston." Kelly said. "When he first woke up. He looked exhausted, and got mad at me for taking the last of the milk."

"I'd get mad at you for that," Aston laughed. "Who saw him after?"

"I did." Ariel said. "I greeted him after he came out of the house, he just ignored me. This was right before Red and Kelly did rounds."

"Where did he go?" Aston asked.

"Into the forest, I assumed he just went for a run."

"Okay, and what next?"

"I think it was me." Max said. "I was running patrols, and he yelled at me. Told me that he didn't want me running them anymore. When I asked why, he said it was because he was alpha."

"And that's when Max came to me." Red said. "We went outside, I was trying to keep his mind off of what happened to him. We went to the gardens and saw it."

"What time was that at?" He asked.

"I think it was about eleven."

Aston nodded. "And did anything happen after?"

"He ran off," Red said. "He didn't come back until a few hours ago."

Aston sighed, rubbing his face. He wasn't sure what to do, but he knew something had to be done. The rules of the pack were set, and he was the enforcer.

"I'll need a consensus." Astor said. "We will put it to a vote. All those who think nothing should happen raise your hand in agreement." No one raised their hand. "And those who think he should be given a warning?" Again no one else their hand. "And who believes he should be kicked out of the pack?" Suddenly everyone's arms were raised high. He was surprised that everyone was able to agree on one thing for once.

"Aston," Max said. "This isn't the first time he's done this. We all know he attacked you a few years ago."

"He'd just lost his mate..." Aston defended.

"You were bedridden for almost three months." He said.

"Aston I hate it but I have to agree." Red said. "He's not the same man anymore. Why are you the only one against it?"

"Because I have to be." Aston said. "I am beta. It is my job to support the alpha, to help him."

"You haven't just been supporting him." Kelly said. "You've been leading this pack even before Kyle lost his mate. We have never thought of him as a good alpha."

"An alpha leads and protects his pack. The beta just supports him." Ariel said, gently touching his shoulder. "You have been our alpha since Regulus died. None of us have truly accepted his son."

"What?!" They all turned, seeing Kyle just entering the room.

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