Chapter 13

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Aston stood before Amelia. He knew she was an imposing force.

"Begin!" He commanded. Immediately Amelia lunched for his back. He remembered that she warned him of his weak spot earlier, so he rolled over, dodging her attack. She fell to the ground, quickly correcting herself.

He remembered the collision she took earlier. Everyone had gasped as they heard bone collide with bone. It had sounded like two rams' horns colliding with each other. She tried to act like it didn't effect her, but he noticed a slight slump to her shoulders.

Aston didn't want to, but he knew that if he rammed into her that she wouldn't be able to properly dodge him. She waited. He took the opportunity and lunged. His shoulder struck her breastbone, taking her back. She tried to shake it off, but he knew she had been weakened. He lunged again, tackling her to the ground.

She was surprised by his move, and was able to be pinned easily.

"Congratulations, Amelia." Aston grinned. "Amelia has proved herself to be Luna!" He declared, everyone erupted with thunderous howling.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, concerned at her limping.

"My chest hurts..." she whined. Aston felt his heart break, he hadn't realized he hurt her that badly.

"Red, Devon!" He cried, the duo quickly trotted up.

"Yes Alpha?" Red asked. Devon looked to Amelia.

"You will need to lead the pack run, Devon. Red, I need you to fetch the doctor." Aston commanded. The two quickly departed. Devon gathered all the wolves around him, starting the border run.

Red had run so quickly, he startled the doctor in his wolf form. He returned with her riding his back.

Penelope knelt down to Amelia, who had collapsed in pain.

"Can you shift back?" Penelope asked.

Aston watched as she tried to shift back, looking like a constipated dog. She could not shift, however. Aston's wolf was howling with grief inside him.

"It hurts!" She cried.

"I can imagine." Red scoffed. "You had Devon, an alpha and I all hit you with as much force as we could!" Aston growled a warning.

"She must have broken her scapula." Penelope said. She gently pressed her shoulder and Amelia yelped in pain. "You three are responsible. She's lucky it's just a broken scapula." Penelope shot daggers at Red. Aston knew that it was Red and Devon who were responsible for sending the most people her way. They liked to play rough.

"Will she be alright?" Aston asked.

"She just needs to rest. She should be able to shift back by the morning, but if she moves too much before then, she will not be able to turn back at all. The shoulders have to move during the shift, and it's just too painful for her right now." She explained. Aston nodded.

"I will give her some pain killers," Penelope said. "Just be thankful it didn't pierce her heart."

"We can't leave her out here." Red said.

"I will stay by her side in this form." Aston said, resting next to her. Red nodded.

The trio looked up when they heard a car approaching behind the house a mile up the hill. They sniffed the air, their eyes went wide.

"What are they doing here?" Astor growled.

They heard the sound of car doors opening, and footsteps quickly coming to the back.

"I will take over the rest of your duties for the day." He bowed, and left back into the forest.

"I-I'll get the painkillers." Penelope blushed, rushing away.

Astor rolled his eyes.

Chickens, he thought to himself.

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